Female breast, as an erogenous zone
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Let's talk about what a woman's breast can please her owner and partner of this owner and in our ordinary, full of worries and troubles, life.
European and African cultures traditionally consider the breast an important erotic object. At the same time, for example, in Japan, the breast is tied up tightly so as not to attract attention to it, and the Polynesian managi to it are not at all indifferent, believing that there is no use for breastfeeding babies in the breast. Who is right?
In primates, as everyone well remember, the bust is missing, which does not interfere with lactation. A woman in lactation also uses only a glandular tissue of small volume, and if you leave only her, the breast would be flat, like a monkey. All the rest is fatty tissue and connective ligaments that attach it to the ribs. Thus, the connection between the breast and reproductive function, motherhood, has no biological character, this representation is the fruit of the development of culture. Breasts are a unique result of sexual selection in the process of evolution, it is a kind of ornament, however if in the animal world the male is usually more brightly colored, then the person has the "peacock tail" given to the woman.
Attitude to the breast can serve as a kind of indicator of the "sexuality" of society. For example, in India, a country of high sexual culture, bayaders considered the breast to be the main instrument of seduction, protected its shape with a special light wooden case decorated with gold and precious stones. On the contrary, in Europe in the Middle Ages the breast was a symbol of temptation and hid in every possible way. The Renaissance emancipation of sexuality makes the "fertile" breast the object of worship. Even antiquity knew the cut of the dress, in which the bust was won favorably. Renaissance fashion not only borrows it, but at the same time maximizes the chest. Breasts are a source of inspiration for poets, they are white like ivory, like Venus hills or two sugar heads, protruding from the corsage like two rising suns, rising like two spears, etc. Do not lag behind and the artists - Titian, Raphael, Rubens, Rembrandt write the famous women of the era with bare chest (often - in the form of the Madonna feeding the baby, because men prefer a mature, developed chest). In the XV and XVI centuries numerous fountains are being built in the form of a woman, from whose breasts water splashes, and on holidays - wine. The ladies back the chest with a corsage stuffed with cotton, decorate the nipples with rings and special caps, connect the breasts with gold chains, hung with crosses and jewels. Maria Medici invented the dress style, in which two round cutouts were made on top, so that the chest almost jumped out of them. In Venice, where it was customary for a woman to hide her face in the street under a mask or veil, her breasts were safely displayed.
Fashion XVIII century, without losing interest in the chest, it significantly modifies. Now it is not feeding the mother's breast, but a bust serving exclusively voluptuousness. And in the elegant literature, and in painting, we find innumerable images of the breast, but not naked, but stripped, and this difference is significant. Even the august breast was exposed - Marie Antoinette was recognized as the winner in this nomination, after which Small Trianon was decorated with a fruit bowl that reproduced the shape of her breast. XVIII century, we are obliged by the invention of an artificial breast - it was made of wax, and then made of flesh-colored skin with painted veins. With the help of a special spring, she could "rise and fall, find a secret fire burning it."
In the XIX century, in accordance with changes in views on sexuality, the breast is again considered a symbol of motherhood, the continuation of life, which naturally implies its splendor. The era of decadence has ended with all sorts of full and developed forms, but to hide the bust far from completely fails, because at the same time, ladies begin to play sports, wear tight sweaters that emphasize not only the shape of the chest, but every its swaying. In addition, conservative men were not at all going to abandon old preferences, and aspiring women like them began their purse to support the industry of means to achieve the "ideal bust," "beautiful, full forms," etc. The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the flourishing of pilules orientales - "oriental pills", ointments and pneumatic devices for massage of the flabby breast. However, according to the historian's remark, "only the purse of a merchant gets an elastic form thanks to such a means."
Already our time has brought an innovation in the struggle for bust - injections of silicone into the area of the mammary glands. But this method caused various complications, and now, as a rule, implantation in the chest of soft thin plastic segments filled with silicogel. As a result of this operation, the breast increases in size, retaining its elasticity and natural shape. However, with the lift, and with the introduction of implants, the reflex responsiveness of the breast may be impaired.
I must say that this responsiveness does not depend on the size. Firstly, the breast is not an erogenous zone for all women at all, and secondly, the ability to be excited by stimulation of the breast is inherent in both the flat-breasted and the holders of DD bras. At the same stroking of the breasts and nipples with fingers, eyelashes or the head of the penis, licking and biting them, you can achieve an orgasm no less bright than with ordinary coitus. Moreover, in India it is known a long time ago (under the name "narvasadat"), and recently thanks to various manuals it became well known and we have an intra mammae - intercourse between breasts. Hindus believed that this method is good after separation in a few days, if lovers want to avoid conception. It was assumed that a portion of the ejaculate containing a mature seed first erupts and then a seed of insufficient maturity, hence, safer. When coitus intra mammae simultaneously with the stimulation of the breasts, the partner can massage the clitoris with the hand or the big toe, which will only enhance the pleasant sensations and brightness of the orgasm.
Note that although the so-called "erection of the nipples" - one of the objective signs of orgasm in most women, yet should not be considered its mandatory sign of excitement. It is also useful for the partner to know that in some women one of the breasts is a stronger erogenous zone, and also that many at the end of the cycle, when the breast swells and often hurts, the nipple becomes particularly sensitive, so stimulate it better with language and with great care.
Moreover, the woman needs the breast not only for lactation and sexual pleasure, but also for all sorts of socially significant cases and achievements, about which Nekrasov remarkably said: "He will take all, and lay a wide, clear chest on himself."