
The secret of your success in men

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 20.11.2021

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What can I do to get a new acquaintance interested? Demonstrate your sympathy or show indifference? Psychologists have learned the secret of a successful first date.

Specialists from the University of Virginia (USA) learned that on the first date one should never openly demonstrate their sympathy and passionate interest in the interlocutor. Emotional distance (when your new gentleman does not know how you feel about him) makes the interlocutor think of you more, which means that you become more attractive to him.

These findings were confirmed during the experiment with the participation of 50 female students. The girls were told that several men visited their pages on social networks. Allegedly some men expressed obvious sympathy for them, others liked them, but less, and still others did not express their opinion.

Then the girls were offered to choose men with whom they would go on their first date and name those they thought about the last 15 minutes. It turned out that at the meeting they agreed with those who admitted them in absentia to them in love, but they thought about the "dark horses", who did not tell anything about their emotions.
What can I do to get a new acquaintance interested? Demonstrate your sympathy or show indifference? Psychologists have learned the secret of a successful first date.

Specialists from the University of Virginia (USA) learned that on the first date one should never openly demonstrate their sympathy and passionate interest in the interlocutor. Emotional distance (when your new gentleman does not know how you feel about him) makes the interlocutor think of you more, which means that you become more attractive to him.

These findings were confirmed during the experiment with the participation of 50 students. The guys were told that several girls visited their pages on social networks. Allegedly some girls expressed obvious sympathy for them, others liked them, but less, and still others did not express their opinion.

Then the guys were offered to choose the girls with whom they would go on the first date and name those they thought about the last 15 minutes. It turned out that at the meeting they agreed with those who admitted them in absentia to them in love, but they thought about the dark horses, who did not tell anything about their emotions.

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