Coitus interruptus: effectiveness and harm
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Interrupted intercourse is one of the methods of contraception, consisting in removing the penis from the vagina until the ejaculation begins. This method is used to prevent conception and is the oldest method of contraception.
This method has several advantages: accessibility and ease of use. Unlike other methods of contraception, additional means and mechanical devices are not required.
However, it is important to remember that the chosen method of contraception was effective, you need to follow several rules:
- do not allow ejaculation in the vaginal cavity;
- prevent sperm from entering the female genitalia;
- use spermicide lubrication before the onset of sexual intercourse.
And of course, it is not worthwhile to completely rely on the chosen method - it is better to combine it with other methods of contraception (for example, let the partner in parallel use oral contraceptives). In addition, the indicated method will not relieve the risk of catching sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, it is better to choose this method for those who are confident in their sexual partner and do not exclude the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy.
Is it possible to interrupt sexual intercourse?
Is it possible to interrupt sexual intercourse or not? On this issue, not all couples who do not want to have a child and want to protect themselves from an unplanned pregnancy are not thinking. In fact, interrupted sexual intercourse, as a method of contraception, has the least effectiveness.
It is impossible to fully control the physiological process of ejaculation, so even with a quick reaction, a small amount of semen with active spermatozoa enters the vagina. This may be enough to fertilize the egg.
However, from the point of view of sexologists and psychologists, an interrupted sexual intercourse harms not only sexual health, but also physical health. Strong efforts man not only interrupts sexual intercourse and deprives him of logical completion, but also inhibits sexual arousal. In turn, this affects the state of the nervous system, leading to premature ejaculation, and causes stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, which affects the urogenital system pathologically.
Of course, the question is whether it is possible to interrupt the sexual act or it is better to refrain from this method of contraception to solve sexual partners, but it is worth to listen to the opinion of qualified doctors and to worry about their sexual, psychological and physical health. There are many contraceptives, the reception of which does not deprive partners of natural sensations and will not harm the body (for example, vaginal suppositories based on spermicidal drugs).
Intercourse interrupted intercourse
Prevention of interrupted intercourse is effective only by 70-80%. A small amount of sperm is allocated at the very beginning of the sexual act, and this amount may be enough to make fertilization happen. This process man can not control. However, the method of interrupted intercourse, in addition to the lack of additional costs, has several significant drawbacks:
- a high probability of infection with sexually transmitted diseases.
- if the previous sexual relationship with a man was less than a day ago, the viable spermatozoa in the urethra of the penis can penetrate the vagina and lead to an unwanted pregnancy.
- lowering the sexual desire of partners.
Interrupted intercourse can be ineffective if:
- The man has a premature eruption.
- It is difficult for a man to control himself.
- Unplanned pregnancy can adversely affect a woman's health.
Prevention of interrupted intercourse should occur with full co-ordination of partners, taking into account all possible consequences. To make this method more effective, it is better to combine it with other types of contraception (oral contraceptives, spermicide suppositories, lubricant).
Is interrupted sexual intercourse harmful?
Harmful interrupted sexual intercourse is not reliably confirmed. But, despite a lot of disagreements around this issue, more than 70% of men use this method. This is the simplest and most affordable way of emergency contraception. The essence of it is that at the time of ejaculation to remove the penis from the vagina, thereby inhibit the penetration of sperm. However, there are many weighty convictions that prove the inefficiency and even harm of this method.
- A high percentage probability of pregnancy is from 15 to 50%.
- Regular use can provoke violations of sexual function, a disorder of potency and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women.
- Constant tension and control over the process of sexual intercourse leads to violations of the central nervous system.
- A woman gets the maximum excitement at the time of ejection of sperm and this helps to achieve orgasm, and with interrupted sexual intercourse this is not.
- Not feeling the ejection of sperm, a woman does not complete the sexual act fully. At this moment, prostaglandins are not produced in her body, which just keeps the body in tone. In the future, the deficit of this biologically active substance leads to nervous breakdowns, a woman is not able to feel orgasm, from which intimate and family life tolerates disharmony.
Can I get pregnant with interrupted intercourse?
Whether it is possible to become pregnant at the interrupted sexual certificate or act - this question excruciates many girls. Even with a wide choice of contraceptives of different actions, most couples use the method of interrupted sexual intercourse. Despite age categories and other distinctive features, this method gives preference to 80% of pairs. Choosing a method of interrupted sexual intercourse, not everyone thinks about the consequences of their choice, including the possibility of becoming pregnant.
Such frivolity has no justification, because it is in the case of an interrupted sexual intercourse that most unwanted pregnancies occur. Physiologically, the body of a man is designed so that the sperm in small portions is released during the entire sexual intercourse, and not only in the peak of ejaculation. To get pregnant enough even a small amount of sperm. The final result, of course, depends on their survivability and mobility, but this does not reduce the degree of risk.
There are cases when the couple is protected in this way for a sufficiently long time, and pregnancy does not occur, it indicates a pathology of the reproductive system.
It is not necessary to hope, that the interrupted sexual certificate or act will interfere with approach of pregnancy. It is much more convenient and more profitable to consult a doctor and choose the most suitable method of contraception, which will not affect your health.
Probability to become pregnant with interrupted sexual intercourse
The probability of getting pregnant with interrupted intercourse can reach 50%. The fact that the entire volume of seminal fluid does not penetrate the vagina does not mean that the woman does not become pregnant. Usually teenagers and women who are not too concerned about the partner's health and their own are interested in this issue.
The high cost of contraceptives does not affect the choice of the method of protection. To buy condoms on a pocket even to the teenager, and the price of oral contraceptives is accessible enough. Therefore, the price factor does not justify such a risky method as an interrupted sexual intercourse.
The effectiveness and reliability of this method of contraception is negligible. Many mistakenly believe that spermatozoa are thrown out only with sperm at the time of ejaculation. It's not like that at all. Throughout the sexual intercourse, sperm enter the vagina together with the lubricant and pre-ejaculating fluid. If sexual contact occurs in the term ovulation and both partners are healthy, then there is a very high probability of pregnancy.
You can calculate the days of presumptive ovulation and abstain from sex at this time, but such a method also will not give a high guarantee, as the menstrual cycle in each woman is individual and can vary under the influence of various factors. To increase the effectiveness of the method of interrupted intercourse, you should consult your doctor and choose the most appropriate contraceptives for a particular age and lifestyle.
The effectiveness of interrupted intercourse
The effectiveness of interrupted intercourse in practice is not distinguished by high indicators, but rather, on the contrary - almost a third of couples practicing this method become parents. Approximately, every fourth woman becomes pregnant. The exception is only those couples who, along with the method of interrupted sexual intercourse, are additionally protected.
The basic group consists of teenagers - they are not so experienced and can not control themselves. About 30% of all cases of unwanted pregnancies fall precisely on this age group. The reason is inexperience, lack of sexual education and will. Hence a large percentage of unwanted pregnancies, abortions, concomitant diseases. The method of interrupted intercourse will not protect against venereal diseases and AIDS.
Many young girls and boys believe that at the first sexual experience one can not become pregnant. It is a mistake to assume that spermatozoa are released only with sperm at the time of ejaculation. Throughout the sexual intercourse, sperm enter the vagina together with the lubricant and pre-ejaculating fluid. This is a completely unreasonable assumption, and if both partners are healthy, then even one drop of seminal fluid will be enough to conceive.
Interrupted intercourse for men
Interrupted intercourse for men is extremely harmful. The state of constant tension and control requires considerable mental strength and can lead to disappointing consequences.
Being in an extremely excited state, a man needs to make a lot of effort to switch and control the process. Not only that the nervous system because of this stressful condition quickly comes to wear, in addition, and lowers the tone of the blood vessels of the penis. Microscopic vessels of the penis burst due to unstable pressure, knots and adhesions are formed, eventually erectile dysfunction. Gradually, this leads to violations of potency and premature ejaculation.
From the psychological point of view, the interrupted sexual intercourse for a man is pathological and does more harm not only to male, but also to female health. He does not receive a full range of sensations, as he is always under control and in suspense. Because of this, there are often disorders of the psyche that provoke physical illness. To the method of interrupted intercourse was more effective, i.e., it is better to combine it with other types of contraception (oral contraceptives, spermicide candles, lubricant).
Consequences of interrupted intercourse
The consequences of an interrupted sexual intercourse may be different - this and unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, central nervous system disorders, sexual disorders, inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs.
- Even an experienced man can not control the allocation of a pre-seed fluid, which contains a certain amount of active sperm. If the interrupted sexual intercourse takes place during the days of ovulation, the likelihood that fertilization will occur is maximal.
- Over time, the natural mechanism of sexual relations is violated. Over time, women develop coldness and indifference to men, and the opposite sex has a high risk of impotence, reduces sexual desire.
- In no case should you use this method of contraception in case of accidental sexual intercourse - this increases the risk of catching a venereal disease.
- If the method of interrupted intercourse for a long time does not lead to pregnancy, this indicates a factor of infertility. In this case it is worth to be examined by the doctors and to pass the necessary tests.
The consequences of interrupted intercourse do not justify its frequent use, so it is better either to abandon this method of protection or to pick up contraceptives individually.
Harm of interrupted intercourse
The harm of interrupted intercourse is much greater than it seems - this is the most common form of contraception among young people and is ineffective and causes concomitant complications.
First and foremost, the physiological system of ejaculation is broken - normally the ejection of sperm occurs reflexively, without the strong-will of the man himself. By interrupting sexual intercourse and producing ejaculation outside the woman's genital organs, a man by force of will blocks the excitement, thereby disrupting the processes of inhibition and excitation of the nervous system. This leads to the defeat of the central nervous system, neuroses, dysfunction of organs and systems, premature ejaculation and impotence.
Due to insufficient outflow of blood, trophic changes begin in the body of the sexual organ. At this stage, the risk of developing infections and nonspecific inflammation of the prostate is high, leading to its hypertrophy and ultimately to prostatitis.
The harm of an interrupted intercourse is experienced not only by a man, but also by a woman. A woman gets the maximum excitement at the time of ejection of sperm and this helps to achieve orgasm, and with interrupted sexual intercourse this is not. Not feeling the ejection of sperm, a woman does not complete the sexual act fully. At this moment, prostaglandins are not produced in her body, which just keeps the body in tone. In the future, the deficit of this biologically active substance leads to nervous breakdowns and sexual pathologies.
The minuses of interrupted intercourse
The minuses of the interrupted sexual intercourse largely prevail over the advantages. The essence of this oldest method of contraception is to remove the penis from the vagina until the ejaculation begins.
- Perhaps the main disadvantage is a high chance of becoming pregnant. The highest rates of unwanted pregnancies in young couples and adolescents - they still can not control their emotions and desires, and do not use additional methods of contraception. It is impossible to fully control the physiological process of ejaculation, so even with a quick reaction, a small amount of semen with active spermatozoa enters the vagina. This may be enough to fertilize the egg.
- The second minus is the risk of catching a venereal disease. The method of interrupted sexual intercourse is relevant when partners are confident in each other.
- The third negative - the gradual development of sexual dysfunction in men and the emergence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the small pelvis. Due to blood stagnation in the genital organs, a number of trophic processes are disrupted, and this is fraught with the development of prostatic hypertrophy and its inflammation, which lead to sexual impotence.
Fortunately, at an early stage this process is treatable and it is possible to restore the male sexual function, but first of all it is necessary to abandon the method of interrupted sexual intercourse and choose an individual method of contraception.