Treatment of frigidity
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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The treatment of frigidity is the restoration of sexual functions in women. Let's look at the most popular and effective ways to treat frigidity with alternative drugs, medications and other methods.
Frigidity is sexual dysfunction, which leads to a decrease in libido, sexual desire, sexual sensations and orgasm in women, that is, sexual coldness. Sometimes frigidity leads to complete indifference and aversion to sexual bliss. In a woman with frigidity, sexual intercourse does not cause positive emotions, but rather sensual discomfort and disgust. Frigidity can be true and imaginary.
- True sexual coldness - is extremely rare, only 5-7% of women. Pathology develops against the background of congenital complications in infantilism and sexual sensitivity. This type of disease is a complete sexual indifference and sexual aversion. But despite this, a woman flirts with men and wants them to like.
- The imaginary frigidity arises against the background of psychological and physiological problems. The disease develops due to a combination of microsocial, somatic and mental factors. Sexual coldness can occur against the background of endogenous psychosis, psychopathy.
Frequently, frigidity dictates stress, fatigue, hormonal disorders, gynecological and endocrine disorders. Let's consider the main factors that trigger the development of frigidity:
- Psychological trauma and pain during sexual intercourse (wear and tear, unfortunate sexual experience and others).
- Alcohol abuse and other bad habits that have a negative effect on the nervous system and psyche.
- Physical aversion to the sexual partner, fear of publicity of sexual intercourse or unplanned pregnancy.
- Emotional detachment during intercourse, depression, anxiety, emphasis on orgasm and lack of it.
The development of frigidity causes neurohumoral disturbances, that is, damage to brain structures, ovarian dysfunction and damage to the nervous system. This aggravates the violation of sensitivity, sexual sensation and orgasm. Sexual coldness can be either temporary or permanent. The disease has several forms, let's consider them in more detail.
- Retardation
At this stage, frigidity is temporary, which is associated with retardation, that is, a delay in sexual desire. Each woman has individual abilities for experiencing orgasm.
- Symptomatic
This stage is characterized by the fact that frigidity manifests itself as a symptomatology of the underlying disease. With the elimination and treatment of the disease, the symptomatology of sexual coldness passes.
- Psychogenic
The disease is caused by inhibition of sexual functions due to certain mental factors. It can be an aversion to the sexual partner, resentment, sexual immaturity, depression and many other reasons. Constant experiences of psycho-traumatic character at the initial stages delay the sexual desire, and subsequently lead to frigidity.
- Constitutional
Frigidity is caused by congenital insufficiency of psychosexual functions. There are people who from birth do not have a musical ear, and there are women with congenital frigidity. Such patients can be absolutely healthy, lead a healthy lifestyle, have normal sex glands, well-developed sexual characteristics and the ability to maternity. With this form of frigidity, a woman can seek medical help only when she wants to experience sexual satisfaction and orgasm.
Each of the forms of frigidity requires careful diagnosis and medical supervision. Despite sexual coldness, frigid women can be excellent mothers and provide family happiness for a loved one and relatives. All this is confirmed by numerous observations.
Treatment of woman's frigidity
Treatment of the frigidity of a woman begins with the diagnosis of the disease, for this woman undergoes a gynecological and psychological examination. With the help of surveys, it is possible to establish the presence of lesions and pathologies that cause symptoms of frigidity. Since sexual coldness is a disease, it requires appropriate treatment. The most important rule of treatment is the woman's desire and the realization that therapy takes time. Significance has a psychological readiness for sexual pleasure and a trusting relationship with the doctor treating the disease.
There are cases when for the treatment of frigidity in women, a change in the situation is required. So, the romantic attitude before intimacy, beautiful underwear, music is one of the methods of treating sexual coldness. If a woman with frigidity has a sexual partner, then the therapy is also performed by a man. During the treatment period, the couple should maintain a trusting relationship, tenderness for each other and love. Treatment of frigidity of women, provides for a complex of psychological, physiotherapeutic and medicament methods.
Treatment of frigidity in the home
Treatment of frigidity at home involves the use of herbal remedies, tinctures and decoctions. With the help of such methods, it is possible to restore female sexual health. Let's look at several effective recipes for tinctures and broths for the treatment of frigidity in the home.
- Alcohol tincture of pink radiola can be used to prevent sexual colic. 10-15 drops of tincture are mixed with a glass of warm water and taken before meals for 3-5 months. Such treatment helps restore sexual sensitivity.
- Calendula tincture and Eleutherococcus extract can take 10-20 drops before meals within 1-3 months. Vegetable tinctures help to get rid of mental problems, which cause disgust for sexual relations.
- Dry currant leaves brew, insist and use as a medicinal stimulating tea. To currant broth it is recommended to add a couple of spoons of honey. The same properties have dried flowers of violets.
- At home, treatment of frigidity is carried out using alcoholic tincture of aralia, a course of treatment 2-3 months. Pantocrine tincture is another medicinal tincture, which is recommended for women with frigidity.
- Herbal collection of flowers of chamomile, dog rose and nettle, pour boiling water and insist 2-3 hours. Infusion recommended to take 1/3 cup before each meal.
Drugs for home treatment are not used. This is due to the fact that you can take drugs only for medical purposes. Herbal infusions, decoctions and teas, as well as medicines, help to increase excitability, which allows you to experience the pleasure of sexual intimacy and a full orgasm.
For the treatment of frigidity, physiotherapy is also used. This treatment increases the flow of blood to the genitals. To do this, the genitals are irrigated with medicinal infusions and decoctions, sometimes sedentary baths with sea salt, mud procedures are used. In spite of the fact that physiotherapy treatment can be carried out at home, permission for it can be obtained only after examination by a doctor.
When frigidity is effective therapeutic exercise, which allows you to develop internal organs of the abdominal cavity, to harden the body and strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Do not be superfluous massage procedures stop and aromatherapy. If frigidity caused psychological problems, then auto-training is used for its treatment. The techniques of autosuggestion can enhance self-esteem, relax and improve mood.
Eliminate sexual coldness with the help of aphrodisiacs. To do this, it is recommended to include royal jelly, ginseng and other natural pathogens in the diet. Also, it is necessary to provide the body with a high level of vitamin E. This will restore sexual functions and cure female frigidity.
Treatment of frigidity by alternative means
Treatment of frigidity by alternative means is the use of herbal ingredients, herbs and fees to restore women's sexual health. Herbal preparations are especially popular in alternative medicine. Let's look at several prescription drug prescriptions and the most effective herbs that are used in the treatment of frigidity by alternative means.
- Dried duckweed small chopped into powder and mixed with a spoonful of honey. The mixture should be taken 1-2 g three times a day, before eating. The course of treatment is 35-40 days.
- Restore the sexual function of the body can be with the help of 1 pomegranate on an empty stomach in the morning. Pomegranate contains vitamins and minerals, which act as a kind of aphrodisiac. And before going to bed, you can eat a couple of walnuts, as they are rich in fatty acids, carotenoids and vitamins, beneficial for sexual functions.
- Herbal collection of dried leaves of black currant, sea buckthorn, medicinal melissa, sage, oats, St. John's wort, meadow clover, calendula and motherwort brew with steep boiling water and insist 15-20 minutes. Herbs should be taken in equal proportions, 10 g each. Drink infusion is recommended for 1/4 cup, before each meal, but no more than three times a day. The course of treatment is from 1-2 months.
- Pharmacy chamomile, rose hips, nettle and St. John's wort take 25 g. Collect the steep boiling water, insist 30 minutes, strain and drink before eating. Take infusion needed 30-60 days, half a cup three times a day.
- To increase blood circulation in the genital organs, increase libido and contribute to getting orgasm, use ginkgo extract. You can buy a chemotherapy drug gingko and take it 120 mg 1-2 times a day. The drug is contraindicated for taking anemia and concurrently with anticoagulants.
- To restore the lack of an estrogen hormone that causes female frigidity, use a branchy branch. Spoon the grass into a glass of boiling water, insist 10-15 minutes, take 1/4 cup three times a day. The treatment course should last from 30 to 60 days.
In addition to the above-described herbal collections, in the treatment of female frigidity, alternative medicinal herbs are used. Let's get acquainted with some of them.
- Oats sowing - the plant has fortifying properties and favorably affects the nervous system. Grass can be used as a food supplement or take 10-20 drops of tincture of oats 2-3 times a day.
- Medicinal verbena - a vegetable remedy tones up the nervous system and effectively relieves stress. It can be used both as a tincture and as a decoction to stimulate and tone up sexual activity.
- Sage - the most common herb for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions and nervous disorders. Sage is used to treat gynecological diseases, nervous system damage, irritability and depression. Sage has estrogenic activity, which maintains a normal hormonal level, responsible for the disorder of the reproductive system.
- Peppermint is an excellent tonic and stimulating additive for medicinal teas and infusions. Mint can be taken for a long period of time, to combat nervous disorders and anxiety.
- Dried borage (cucumber grass) - the plant tones up the body, improves and normalizes the adrenal gland. It is recommended to take the herb in the form of tea or broth, but only for 2-3 weeks and no more.
- Rosemary officinalis is a plant used to treat female frigidity, which is caused by depression and nervous disorders. Can be used as a tea or an additive to other drinks.
Preparations for the treatment of frigidity
Drugs for the treatment of frigidity are used to treat severe forms of the disease and in the case when alternative medicine and physiotherapy methods did not bring the desired result. The drugs are prescribed after examination of the woman's organism for the presence of diseases that provoke sexual coldness. As for hormonal treatment, for today, this method is not applied, since it has a lot of side effects. In addition, hormonal treatment of frigidity does not give the desired results.
For the treatment of female frigidity, drugs with male sex hormones can be used. Such drugs contribute to increased sexual desire. Drugs affect the brain and its areas responsible for stimulation and sexual desire. But to carry out such treatment is necessary with extreme caution, since the drugs have pathological side reactions.
The most popular drugs for the treatment of frigidity in women - Tribestan (Tribulustan). The drug has a minimum of adverse reactions, restores hormonal imbalance and protects against female diseases. For the treatment of sexual coldness, it is also possible to use herbal preparations that are safe for the human body and safely restore sexual functions. Phytotherapy, auto-training, physiotherapy and other methods, in combination with drugs for the treatment of frigidity - a medical complex that effectively restores women's sexual sensitivity.
Treatment of frigidity in tablets
The treatment of frigidity by tablets is used as the most extreme method of restoring female sexual sensitivity. To date, the most popular tablets for the treatment of frigidity - women's Viagra. Tablets help to cope with sexual coldness and restore sexual sensitivity. Let's look at popular and effective pills for the treatment of frigidity in women.
- Womenra - the main indications for the use of tablets - increased sexuality and sensitivity. The drug refers to non-hormonal drugs. Tablets should be taken an hour before sexual intercourse, the dosage of Womenra can be 25 to 100 mg. Do not take this medication more than once a day. The main contraindications to the use of female Viagra - the period of pregnancy and lactation. If the dosing conditions and storage rules are not respected, Womenra causes headache, problems with the cardiovascular system, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and others.
- Arginine - the drug enhances the flow of blood to the genitals and increases the body's sexual functions. The active substance of the tablets is an amino acid of animal origin, which is indispensable for the organism.
- Zestra - tablets effectively improve and strengthen the sexual function. The only drawback of this drug is that in some women, Zestra causes sensation of tingling and burning.
- Ginkgo - a tablet of plant origin. The drug strengthens the sexual desire, brings into the tone the sexual system, increases the flow of blood to the genital organs and peripheral vessels. The peculiarity of these tablets for the treatment of frigidity is that they have a minimum of side effects and contraindications to the use.
- Avlimil - a combined herbal preparation, which includes 11 extracts of various plants. The drug restores sexual sensitivity, improves the functioning of the nervous system, helps to tone up the body.
Treatment of frigidity is a complex and lengthy process that aims to restore sexual sensitivity. There are several methods that can cure sexual dysfunction. Frigidity is treated with pills and medications, alternative medicine, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, massage and a combination of several methods at the same time. Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of frigidity can be only if the woman experienced an orgasm.