Soon in Russia will begin clinical trials of the vaccine against HIV
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Russian specialists are working to create a vaccine against HIV, and by the end of this year it is planned to complete work on a prototype of the drug. Russia pays much attention to the development of new scientific directions, which are aimed at creating radically new modern preventive drugs against HIV infection.
In the near future, scientists plan to present a prototype of the drug, and the first clinical trials are scheduled for the end of 2014. Also, Russian scientists are developing new vaccines that will help doctors effectively stop the development of the immunodeficiency virus in the initial stages.
According to Rospotrebnadzor for three years, it is planned to send more than two hundred million rubles to the CIS countries for programs to implement measures to combat HIV.
Experts note that already now the project successfully works under which assistance in the fight against AIDS to the countries of the former USSR is being successfully implemented. This project is designed for three years (from 2012 to 2015). As noted in Rospotrebnadzor, today the disease of HIV infection is recorded in all countries. According to statistics, every year the disease takes life from 1.5 million people, with more than two million new cases of HIV infection recorded annually.
It is known that specialists of all countries have been trying to uncover the secret of the immunodeficiency virus for several years now. In addition, cases of infection with the immunodeficiency virus were recorded in animals. For several decades, scientists have developed a variety of drugs that reduce the rate of infection in the body, but complete protection against the virus, no drug today can not provide.
Recently, a new tool has been developed by American specialists that, in their opinion, can cure different types of HIV, but all experiments were conducted exclusively on animals. As is known, in the immunodeficiency virus, genetic diversity is large enough, which is the main problem for scientists developing a cure for AIDS.
As the American experts say, their new tool will help develop an effective medicine against different types of HIV.
Experts analyzed the ability to influence the production of antibodies to protect the body, both in humans and animals, then specialists developed a vaccine that was tested on HIV- infected monkeys. As a result, all the monkeys that were injected with the new drug remained alive, but it should be noted that the animals were given a dose exceeding the permissible norm for humans, but the probability of HIV infection with high doses of the drug is reduced by 90%.
Also, French specialists last year conducted successful clinical trials of the HIV vaccine, which does not protect against the disease, but significantly slows the spread of infection in the body. In the vaccine there is a deceased immunodeficiency virus and in the course of the experiment it was found that the drug is able to reduce the virus in the blood by 90%, also in some patients it was found that the virus stopped its spread by blood, but remained in the body at a minimum level.