
Social life

7 things that can provoke constipation

To get rid of constipation, sometimes you need to change habits in nutrition and behavior and the problem will pass by itself.
15 November 2012, 15:00

Top-10 most high-calorie foods

Calorie is the basic unit of energy that a person receives from food. Consuming too few calories, a person with time will not be able to provide normal life ...
15 November 2012, 14:00

Fish will save from asthma

The lead author of the study, Jessica Kifte-de-Jong from the Erasmus Medical Center Medical Center in Rotterdam, said that the introduction of fish into the baby's diet in the period from six to twelve months can protect the baby from the possible risks of developing bronchial asthma.
15 November 2012, 11:00

Top-11 risk factors for diabetes development published

Particular attention in the prevention, development and prognosis of the course of the disease should be given to risk factors. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a disease, the development of which affects many factors.
14 November 2012, 19:00

Top 10 products rich in calcium

The daily requirement of an adult in calcium is 1000 mg. The human body needs a lot of this mineral for a full life. Fortunately, getting calcium from food is very easy.
14 November 2012, 17:00

Cervical cancer: what does every woman need to know?

Cervical cancer most often causes a certain virus, which provokes the growth of abnormal cells. The earlier a tumor is diagnosed, the more likely that the outcome will be favorable. You should always be alert, and therefore have an idea about this disease and know its symptoms.
14 November 2012, 16:00

How not to confuse the flu with a cold?

It is very important to know the difference between the symptoms of flu and colds. Very often we call colds flu and vice versa, without even suspecting what actually are sick. These two diseases have a lot in common.
14 November 2012, 15:00

6 unusual signs of heart disease

If you have one or two of the following signs, consider thinking about your heart - visit a cardiologist.
14 November 2012, 14:00

Stress during pregnancy can cause child abuse

Children whose mothers were stressed during pregnancy are at risk of becoming targets of bullying and intimidation among their peers.
14 November 2012, 10:00

Meditation reduces the risk of heart disease

Transcendental meditation reduces the risk of a heart attack and fatalities as a result of heart disease in half.
14 November 2012, 09:00


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