
Social life

A quarter of the inhabitants of the earth have liver problems

The liver is not in vain called the main orderly of the body, because it is in full combat readiness and, like a biochemical laboratory, it removes toxins and neutralizes poisons, leaving only the substances necessary for normal metabolic processes in the blood.
03 January 2013, 20:15

Full people live longer than hudyshek

Most people who are overweight try to lose weight as quickly as possible, however, a new study by scientists shows that full people live longer than slender and fit. Therefore, if you collect a couple of extra pounds for New Year's and Christmas holidays, this is not a cause for concern, but a way to longevity.
03 January 2013, 16:26

Smoking exacerbates a hangover, and asparagus helps to relieve it

On the eve of the New Year holidays, the results of the research of the National University of Jeju, located in South Korea and the Institute of Medical Sciences are very relevant, because scientists have discovered that asparagus can become a real rescue from a hangover.
01 January 2013, 09:45

The more a person weighs, the more harm is done by alcohol

Surely many have heard that in small doses, alcohol is not harmful, but even beneficial to health. In particular, it concerns red wine. Scientists who have conducted more than one study say that one or two glasses of red wine has a beneficial effect on the heart, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, removes toxins, lowers cholesterol and so on.
31 December 2012, 15:54

Forget dieting, chew food for longer

A new study of scientists suggests that you can lose weight and without much effort, most importantly - thoroughly chew food. Namely, each piece is chewed for at least 30 seconds. In addition, this method will help to moderate appetite and will keep the desire to eat sweets.
30 December 2012, 12:14

94% of schoolchildren use mobile phones during school

Scientists from the University of Haifa conducted a study and found that 94% of Israeli high school students use mobile phones during their school hours to enter social networks. Only 4% report that during the lessons teachers listen instead of plowing the Internet.
29 December 2012, 15:00

Girls with poor school performance get pregnant earlier than others

Scientists from the Johns Hopkins Center in Baltimore, as well as their colleagues from the University of Pennsylvania, conducted a study and concluded that seventh graders who have trouble with reading are most at risk of becoming pregnant while still high school students.
29 December 2012, 11:44

People with mental disorders were more often subjected to domestic violence

Men and women with mental disorders are more likely than ordinary people to become victims of domestic violence. This conclusion was reached by scientists from the Institute of Psychiatry of the Royal College of London, who in the course of the research collaborated with the University of Bristol.
29 December 2012, 09:14

Fear of a visit to the dentist will be won by cosmetologists

The upcoming visit to the dentist in many people is not something that is worrying, but real horror. Not only children, but also some adults are afraid of dentists as a fire. They can be understood - not only the medical procedures themselves, but also the situation in the dental office leads to fear.
28 December 2012, 10:28

Parents themselves "podsazhivayut" children for sweets

All children are very fond of sweet, not exception, and adults, who even at a respectable age can not live without cookies, sweets and chocolate. Nutritionists say that in most cases, when the child "podsazhivaetsya" on chocolate and sweets, the parents themselves are to blame.
28 December 2012, 09:02


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