
Scientists managed to create a miniature artificial brain

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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03 September 2013, 10:30

Specialists from European medical laboratories were able to grow a miniature human brain in vitro. In the future, new technologies will allow for a detailed study of hereditary diseases, diseases of the nervous system, development of diseases such as schizophrenia or autism. British non-fiction publications have published information that recent studies are the next level in the development of embryology.

Embryology is a science that studies the characteristics of embryo development - any animal organism that is in stages before birth. Studies conducted in European universities will help to understand the origins and development of any living organism.

The artificial brain that scientists from Europe have grown up is no different from the brain of a tiny embryo: the brain structure, the number of layers of nerve cells, does not differ from the human brain. The basis for the development of artificial human brain are cells that can later be transformed into the tissue of nerve cells. In the future, the use of artificial tissues will make it possible to study more humanely not only the general processes of development of a living organism, but also the detailed development of individual organs of the embryo. Some scientists believe that new technologies will favorably influence the development of new ways of testing drugs that are used at the earliest stages of the development of a living organism.

Previous studies of American scientists have shown that it is possible to create identical copies of the internal organs of a person in a test tube. The work of scientists from California was devoted to the possibility of stem cells to independently create the tissue of nerve fibers. In just a few months, stem cells created a small semblance of brain cells that could function without outside interference. Researchers from Austria and East Germany who participated in the latest experiments reported that the artificially created brain is not yet able to think, but at the moment it functionally corresponds to the fifteen-week brain of the human embryo.

To create an artificial brain, researchers used stem cells and adult skin that were used as material for the formation of nerve cells. The structure of the obtained samples is as close as possible to the structure of the brain of the human embryo. The tissues of the artificial brain are clearly divided into the cerebral cortex, the retina, a special structure that produces cerebrospinal fluid. The main goal of the study is not only the possibility of creating a full-fledged artificial brain, but also the possibility of a more detailed study of diseases of the nervous system. Researchers believe that new technologies will allow safe testing of new medicines, as well as increase the chances of early diagnosis of dangerous diseases. The latest experiments will help to obtain more accurate results of the analysis without involving experimental animals.


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