
Scientists have named the factors contributing to longevity

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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16 November 2012, 10:00

Finally, scientists have found out what the secret of a long and happy life is. It turns out he is not so wise: you need to have a good family relationship, a faithful four-legged friend and many friends. At least, so say scientists from the Harvard School of Medicine.

Scientists managed to discover the secret of longevity

Experts say that these three factors are very important for long years of a happy life. At the same time, according to scientists, the social status of a person or the size of his wallet does not matter.

This research started in the distant 1940. In the course of observations of 200 young men and women every two years, experts gave an assessment of what is happening in the life of each participant. All the subjects were of the same age, both from well-off families and below the average, they regularly informed scientists about their family and material well-being.

The head of the study, Professor George Vyllant, says that having a trustful, stable relationship between a man and a woman is the key to a long and happy family life.

Experts noted that up to now only 31 single men have lived, while more than a third of the male participants in the study, who are married, where love and understanding reign, are still alive.

"A caring and loving family is a very important component of longevity. Even seventy or ninety-year-old people can find their love and enjoy happiness, despite all the losses and hardships they have gone through, "says Dr. Vaillant.

Comparing data on today's life of participants and some results of researches of scientists, experts came to the conclusion that families of subjects with children, pets and a large number of friends are not only happy, but also have good indicators of their overall health. According to scientists, it's all about positive emotions and peace of mind, which contributes to the prolongation of human life.

Researchers say that couples who can not have children can have a dog that will brighten up their loneliness, give positive emotions, and become a family member for the owners to take care of and that will make them smile in a difficult moment.

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