Wake Forest University College of Medicine has set up an interesting experiment with monkeys and noticed that eating a regular Mediterranean diet helps prevent problems like overeating.
Employees of the Lithuanian University of Technology in Kaunas have developed a special diet for the elderly with impaired swallowing function associated with the post-stroke condition, tumors, cicatricial changes in the esophagus, etc.
Mixing alcoholic drinks and energy drinks is dangerous: physicians representing the University of Portsmouth (United Kingdom) and the Federal University of St. Mary (Brazil) warn of this. They conducted a study on the course of which they told on the official websites of the presented educational institutions.
American specialists representing the University of California (San Diego) say: women whose mothers have been able to live for ninety years or more also have every chance to live a long time, and without developing serious pathologies and complications in the form of disabilities.
Scientists from the University of Alabama (Birmingham) followed a reaction that could cause early graying and the development of vitiligo, a skin pigment disease.