
Science and Technology

An excellent remedy for overeating can be... The Mediterranean diet

Wake Forest University College of Medicine has set up an interesting experiment with monkeys and noticed that eating a regular Mediterranean diet helps prevent problems like overeating. 

31 July 2019, 09:00

Are children really trying to copy adults?

Contrary to the opinion of many adults, children copy and mimic other people for a reason: they make a lot of sense in this process.

29 July 2019, 09:00

Energy drinks hit right in the heart

Regular consumption of so-called energy drinks negatively affects blood pressure and increases the likelihood of arrhythmias.

26 July 2019, 09:00

Special food invented for the elderly

Employees of the Lithuanian University of Technology in Kaunas have developed a special diet for the elderly with impaired swallowing function associated with the post-stroke condition, tumors, cicatricial changes in the esophagus, etc. 

22 July 2019, 09:00

A new drug blocks the self-healing of cancer cells.

Malignant tumors are dangerous because of their cunning, unpredictability, and rapid damaging growth.

04 March 2019, 09:00

Phantom smells more often haunt women

According to statistics, women often have the feeling of smells, which actually do not exist: men are concerned about this problem less often.

02 March 2019, 09:00

Why not mix alcohol and energy drinks?

Mixing alcoholic drinks and energy drinks is dangerous: physicians representing the University of Portsmouth (United Kingdom) and the Federal University of St. Mary (Brazil) warn of this. They conducted a study on the course of which they told on the official websites of the presented educational institutions.

26 February 2019, 09:00

Longevity can be transmitted through the mother

American specialists representing the University of California (San Diego) say: women whose mothers have been able to live for ninety years or more also have every chance to live a long time, and without developing serious pathologies and complications in the form of disabilities.

24 February 2019, 09:00

Why do women have a headache more often than men?

Migraine is a neurological pathology that, according to statistics, affects up to 20% of women and 6% of men on the planet.

22 February 2019, 09:00

Another probable reason for early graying was announced

Scientists from the University of Alabama (Birmingham) followed a reaction that could cause early graying and the development of vitiligo, a skin pigment disease.

20 February 2019, 09:00


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