Encountering sunrise and sunset is good for the mental state, as the natural beauty and indirect experience of the "rhythms" of the sun act on the nervous system in a calming and relaxing way.
To determine a person's risk of getting cancerous pathology, a test for oncomarkers is performed. This term refers to proteins and peptides typical of different types of malignant structures.
Expanding the diet at the expense of plant fiber helps to reduce migraine attacks. This was stated by representatives of the Chinese University of Jinan.
Treatment with hormone replacement therapy during menopause helps to prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease in women at risk of this disease. This was stated by the staff of the East Anglian University.
Additional intake of vitamin B6 for four weeks leads to stabilization of excitation and inhibition processes in the central nervous system, reduces manifestations of anxiety and mood depression
Systematic intake of preparations containing vitamin D helps to prevent the development of skin cancer and, in particular, melanoma. This was stated by scientific representatives of Kuopio University Hospital and the University of Eastern Finland.