
Science and Technology

Scientists have learned how to treat endocrine infertility

The most common cause of increased secretion of prolactin are tumors. Women suffering from such diseases do not have ovulation, which may be due to the effect of excessive amounts of prolactin on the work of the ovaries.
18 October 2012, 10:03

The use of red meat provokes bladder cancer

Two components of red meat - dietary protein and iron - combined, can form carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds, which increase the risk of developing bladder cancer.
18 October 2012, 09:02

Menopause can lead to the accumulation of fat in the waist

Experts note that an increase in fat in the abdomen can lead to the development of a number of diseases, in particular, diabetes and problems with the cardiovascular system.
17 October 2012, 11:10

Creative people are more likely to suffer from mental illnesses

People with the power of creative abilities have an increased risk of developing bipolar disorders and schizophrenia. Specialists conducted a large-scale study to identify what links mental health and art people.
17 October 2012, 09:00

10 gadgets and applications that will improve your sleep

These 10 electronic devices and applications will provide you with a sound sleep and a cheerful start to the day.
16 October 2012, 21:29

Scientists have developed a new method of treating blood cancer

Israeli scientists have developed a method of therapy for the incurable form of lymphoma.
12 October 2012, 15:00

Hormone saturation is associated with the risk of developing a number of diseases

The relationship between the content of neurotensin in the blood and the development of a number of diseases has been revealed.
11 October 2012, 21:00

The artificial pancreas will soon be available to diabetics

Scientists have proposed new methods for monitoring blood glucose levels. They are insulin pumps, which deliver insulin to the body with the necessary periodicity.
06 October 2012, 17:30

Scientists have found out why some do not lend themselves to hypnosis

Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have tried to find a link between the functioning of the brain and the ability of a person to immerse themselves in a hypnotic trance.
05 October 2012, 14:08

Milk can help in the fight against cancer

Milk has anti-cancer abilities due to the protein contained in it. This conclusion was made by Swedish scientists from the University of Lund.
05 October 2012, 11:07


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