
Science and Technology

Intestinal bacteria can protect against stroke

The results of a new study of scientists from New York University indicate that a particular strain of spiraling Gram-negative Helicobacter pylori, which infects various areas of the stomach and duodenum, can protect a person from stroke and certain cancers.
10 January 2013, 16:08

Pain physical and emotional are closely interrelated

Happy and satisfied with life people more easily and quietly endure physical pain than those who are concerned about experiences.
10 January 2013, 15:32

Finally, scientists have determined the beginning of aging

It is unlikely that there is at least one person in the whole world who does not fear his own aging. You can want to grow up, mature, gain life experience ... But no one wants to be old at the same time.
10 January 2013, 11:38

Study: Vitamin D has no effect on osteoarthritis of the knee

For two years, patients with signs of osteoarthritis of the knee joint took vitamin D. As a result, it was found that its use does not affect the degenerative disease of the knee joint. The specialists did not find a significant difference between the condition of patients taking vitamin D and placebo.
10 January 2013, 10:18

Scientists know how to make lung cancer prevention more effective

Testing drugs for the prevention of lung cancer takes a considerable amount of time. The results have to wait five, ten or even fifteen years. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no way to quickly identify the effectiveness of a given medicine.
09 January 2013, 16:12

Scientists continue to develop an HIV vaccine

The previous year turned out to be fruitful for medical workers, who are working on the creation of medicines aimed at fighting HIV. Specialists from Spain have long worked to create an HIV vaccine and in the second half of 2012 the team of scientists began to test the invented product.
08 January 2013, 11:20

The gene for adventurism affects longevity

Scientists have found out that the gene that is responsible for social, physical and intellectual activity is associated with longevity. So say scientists from the University of California in Irvine.
08 January 2013, 09:11

Why does memory decrease during menopause?

Reducing cognitive abilities are independent processes, and not a consequence of sleep disturbance and depression, scientists have found.

07 January 2013, 13:05

The causes that provoke miscarriages are discovered

Scientists have discovered molecular signals that control the body's acceptance of the fetus and found that in women who have had several unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant, these molecular signals fail.

06 January 2013, 21:07

Scientists understand the cause of pancreatic cancer

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Florida have developed a new strategy that can improve the treatment of ductal adenocarcinoma of pancreatic cancer, which accounts for more than 95 percent of pancreatic cancer cases. It is a fast-growing, often deadly form of cancer, resistant to traditional chemotherapy.
06 January 2013, 17:34


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