
Science and Technology

Nanoparticles will help diagnose life-threatening illnesses before the first symptoms appear

Researchers conceived the diagnosis with a special tablet with nanoparticles, which after entering the body begin to collect information.
04 November 2014, 09:00

Herpes on the lips increases the risk of Alzheimer's

A cold on the lips caused by a herpes simplex virus of the first type increases the risk of future Alzheimer's disease - such a conclusion was made by a group of specialists in one of the Swiss universities.
31 October 2014, 09:00

Malignant lung formations can be found in the body in a "dormant" state

A recent study of specialists from Cancer Research UK showed that cancer can be present in the body in a so-called "dormant" state.
28 October 2014, 09:00

Green tea will help in the fight against cancer

Recent studies by experts have shown that green tea can also be used to develop a new drug against cancerous tumors.
21 October 2014, 09:00

Addiction to coffee is determined at the genetic level

As it turned out, a strong hobby for some people of coffee is inherent in them genetically.
14 October 2014, 10:45

Needle pills replace needle syringes

Painful injections with syringes can be a thing of the past, as recently experts have suggested an alternative option - small pills equipped with needles.
08 October 2014, 09:00

Mantis can help improve the diagnosis of cancer

At the University of Queensland, experts examined the mantis shrimp, and as a result came to the conclusion that the diagnosis of cancer can be significantly improved.
03 October 2014, 09:00

A difficult period of menopause can be resolved by rejuvenating the ovaries

As the doctor gerontologist Aubrey de Gray assures, in a quarter of a century women will no longer have problems during menopause.
01 October 2014, 11:58

A blood test will show the presence of depression in humans

In one of the universities of the United States, scientists have identified in the blood of special markers of depression (chemical compounds).
29 September 2014, 09:00

A new development of scientists will allow to diagnose more effectively breast cancer

Specialists proposed the latest development, which will significantly increase the survival rate among patients with breast cancer.
26 September 2014, 09:00


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