
A new drug will help women with orgasmic disorders

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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26 June 2014, 10:45

Recently, trials of a new female drug have been completed, which will help make the orgasm stronger. Trimel Pharmaceuticals Corporation has developed a special nasal gel called "Tefina", which has proved effective after numerous experiments.

The gel contains the hormone testosterone, since with a decreased level of this hormone, there is a decrease in sexual desire. According to the developers, the gel is able to help women who have these or other orgasmic disorders (difficulties in achieving orgasm and arising on this background distress).

The new drug was tested on women in Canada, Australia, the United States, 253 women with this disorder participated in the experiment.

Women were divided into two groups, the first women received a new gel, and in the second - a placebo. The duration of the study was 84 days, during which time scientists were going to find out how the gel will affect the frequency of orgasms and what side reactions may occur. After the observation, the scientists noted that the gel is really effective, in the group where the new gel was used, the frequency of orgasms in women increased by 2.3%, and in the placebo group - by 1.7%. No adverse reactions were reported.

Among all sexual disorders in women, orgasmic disorder is at the second most prevalent place. Problems in getting an orgasm occur in about one in five women. At the same time, 1/4 of these women are subject to severe distress in the face of the problem. Currently, there are no approved drugs against these kinds of disorders.

In the female body, the most sensitive part is the clitoris and scientists are sure that its size is important for achieving orgasm. As specialists have found out, women with small sizes of the clitoris, which is located far from the vagina, often face sexual problems (difficulties in achieving orgasm).

Experts using MRI scanned the pelvis of young women at the age of about 32 years.

Of the 30 participants in the experiment, 10 very rarely or never experienced orgasm, the other women did not experience such problems.

As a result, scientists found that women experiencing problems with obtaining orgasm during sexual intercourse, the distance from the clitoris to the vagina was 5-6 mm more.

Experts do not rule out that orgasms can affect female physiology, it is also possible that physiology causes the woman's predisposition to orgasms.

It is likely that the owner of a large clitoris with a small distance to the vagina stimulation during intercourse is easier. The clitoris, especially its protruding part, contains a huge number of nerve endings that are fairly densely arranged. Scientists do not exclude that the more the clitoris, the more nerve endings in it are located. But some studies indicate that problems with orgasm are a psychological problem rather than a physiological problem. Similar disorders are observed in about 34% of women. Fewer than 50% of women get an orgasm after each sexual intercourse, and only 15% experience multiple orgasms.

At the same time, the survey showed that women with sexual disorders had no problems with self-confidence, anxiety or discontent with their own body. But scientists noted that women with problems prefer a missionary posture, while the rest of women - a position from above on the partner, in which contact with the clitoris is maximum.

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