
Man will live several centuries

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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17 March 2015, 09:00

According to scientists, a person can live more than a hundred years, but under certain conditions, in particular, adherence to a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, etc. But experts at Google Ventures claim that the human body's capabilities are designed for no less than 500 years. Such a sensational statement was made by the head of Google Ventures company Bill Marys to the agency Bloomberg.

According to Marys, the development of biomechanics and a breakthrough in medicine will allow a person to live up to 500 years. Also in his interview, he noted that currently investments by Google are related to start-up companies that are engaged in research activities in the field of genetics, diagnosis of diseases, incl. Oncological, so the company has all the necessary tools for life research, which will allow us to implement the most daring and incredible plans.

Bill Marys studied neuroscience at the private research university of Duke in North Carolina. Recently, the professor is at the same time leading several projects to increase the life expectancy of a person.

The new approach of Google is that a person in the modern world, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, can eat properly up to 120 years, but for later life he needs help from others, in particular, a new generation of machines, through which a person's life can become infinite .

As experts who work in this field have noted, 500 years of human life on earth is a very real figure, but after scientists provide "digital immortality" to a person (digitization of the brain), some individuals can live endlessly.

In addition, the head of the investment division of Google Ventures said that now the company has all the capabilities to do something great for science.

It's worth noting that Google Ventures is the investment arm of Google. Almost six years the company invests money in young companies (start-up companies), which specialize in various fields (biotechnology, Internet technology, healthcare, etc.). Among the company's investment projects there is also a Uber service for calling a taxi, Nest Labs, the manufacturer of thermostats for offices and houses, Cloudera is a software developer.

Previously, the theory that a person can live for several centuries, put forward an inventor and futurist from the United States, Raymond Kurzweil. As he noted, in a few decades the person will be able to provide for himself an endless life by developing new biological machines that will be compatible with the human body. According to him, in the near future the level of development of neurobiology and computer technologies will reach such limits that it will not be difficult for specialists to keep the functioning brain of one person forever, and the development of other spheres of medicine will allow replacing diseased organs in the human body.


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