
Health care

Anti-cancer drugs will help in the fight against influenza

To protect the body from viral infections, according to scientists, can become anti-cancer drugs.
09 September 2012, 09:19

"Thalidomide tragedy": apologies after half a century

Pharmaceutical company Gruenenthal apologized for mutilated children
04 September 2012, 21:34

Why people ignore vaccination against influenza: top 10 stupidest arguments

Top 10 stupidest arguments against vaccination against influenza.
31 August 2012, 10:16

The unhealthy lifestyles of the poor and the rich and the fight against it

Researchers argue that in order to combat the unhealthy lifestyle of the poor and the rich, different approaches are needed.
27 August 2012, 18:32

The growth in the number of abortions is the result of the economic crisis

Recently, experts have found a tendency to the fact that more and more women agree to voluntarily go to abortion, because they are very worried about their own financial situation
17 August 2012, 09:12

CDC urges to urgently change the existing regimen for treating gonorrhea

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls for an urgent change in the existing regimen for treating gonorrhea.
16 August 2012, 12:36

The biggest scandal in the history of German transplantation

In the clinic of the city of Göttingen they sold seats in the queue for the transplantation of donor organs, that is, in fact they were selling the right to life.
27 July 2012, 10:19

19th International AIDS Conference takes place in Washington DC

On Sunday in Washington, the opening of the XIX International AIDS Conference.
24 July 2012, 18:10

Gene therapy first approved for the treatment of diseases

In the medical history of Europe, an epoch-making event is about to occur - the first approval of the practical application of gene therapy for the treatment of hereditary disease.
23 July 2012, 14:56

In the United States recorded the largest in half a century pertussis outbreak

According to E. Shukat, the number of registered cases of pertussis in 2012 came close to 18 thousand K
22 July 2012, 12:14


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