
Fish oil struggles with excess weight

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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31 May 2012, 10:27

Fish oil, enriched with omega-3 acids, is an effective means for burning calories.

A few decades ago, fish oil was provided to all children without fail. Then this product gradually lost its popularity, but in recent years there has been a real boom of fish oil. Scientists have found that it contains a lot of useful substances, among which the most beneficial effect on our body is polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, as well as vitamins A and D.

How does cod liver oil fight overweight? The fact is that his regular use helps to improve the metabolism in the body, and after all a good metabolism is the main condition for the normalization of weight.

Another indispensable property of fish oil is the ability to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, this unique product, which is obtained from the cod liver, helps to quickly purify the body.

But do not expect that taking fish oil will make physical exercise and diet unnecessary! This is not a magic elixir, with which you can, without making any effort, to lose extra pounds. Fish oil is an effective adjuvant, which should be used in conjunction with the organization of a healthy diet and exercise.

How to use?

Today, fish oil is no longer that nasty taste of an oily liquid with a pungent odor that our moms and grandmothers stuffed into their childhood. Modern pharmacology has learned to hide this unattractive liquid in gelatin capsules with a neutral taste. If you decide to reduce your weight with fish oil, you must take it 3 times a day for 30 milligrams, that is, 2 capsules.

To achieve significant results, it is necessary to take fish oil for a fairly long time - at least several months. At the same time, we will repeat, it is necessary to go in for sports (at least walk fast for about an hour every day!) And adhere to proper nutrition.

If we limit ourselves to taking fish oil without changing our lifestyle, then, of course, you can improve your body (the work of the stomach and intestines is normal, the eyesight and condition of the skin, hair and nails will improve), but it will not affect weight loss .


Before you start taking fish oil, talk to your doctor. The fact is that this product has some contraindications. It can not be accepted by those who suffer:

  1. Increased thyroid function.
  2. Diseases of the biliary tract and urinary tract.
  3. Excess in the body of calcium and vitamin D.

There is another danger: if you take fish oil for a long time in order to lose weight, some people may experience an individual intolerance to this product.

trusted-source[1], [2], [3]

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