
What prevents us from having a good figure?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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28 June 2012, 16:23

It so happened that most people have a difficult time controlling their weight. Our lifestyle and nutrition is an important reason for that. Temptations lie in wait for us at every step.

Experts from the British Fund of Nutrition named factors that do not allow a person to keep a good figure.

In the number of habits that do not allow you to lose weight, experts have included the habit of driving a car and using the consoles from home appliances.

Of course, say nutritionists, genetics plays a significant role in lipid metabolism in the human body. However, there are other factors that strongly affect people. Scientists call a total of as many as 108 "culprits" of excess weight. All the reasons experts divided into 7 main groups, such as the environment of a person, psychological state, social status, food culture, the impact on people of computers, television and the press.

It is noteworthy that the first group turned out to be friends, as many are ready to trade fitness for dinner in a pleasant campaign. But the main enemy of a good figure is still routine. It is in an attempt to escape from everyday life that a person turns to food, and the result of this compensatory mechanism is overeating. If you start spending time actively, it will be much easier to lose weight.

Especially reduce the motor activity of cars and consoles, and advertising in the media of various unhealthy products only aggravates the situation. For this reason, nutritionists are advised to be distracted by domestic chores while watching television during commercials, which will burn hourly for 55 calories.

In occasion of harmful products from which it is so hard to refuse, experts say that they are better in small portions, after first pouring, for example, chips into a plate. A periodic change in the usual posture of those who work a lot on the computer, will get rid of 350 unnecessary calories.

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