
A drug has been developed that helps to control the level of salt in the body

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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24 March 2014, 09:41

In the future, patients who are important to strictly control the intake of salt, will be able to get a special drug that reduces the amount of salt absorbed from the products. Excess salts will simply be excreted from the body. Salt is a danger to people with heart and kidney disease, and it is difficult to control the salt content of food. Most people use an increased amount of salt. According to statistical data, on average, a person eats about 9 g of salt at the recommended rate of 6 g, and in renal failure or heart problems it is recommended to limit 5 g .

Currently, specialists are engaged in the first clinical trials of a new drug - trepanor, which was developed by one of the California companies. Initially, the drug was created for people with severe kidney disease, but scientists believe that the drug can help people and other problems.

Trepanor inhibits the inhibition of molecules in the intestines, which carry salt to other organs and body systems. Now scientists have found that the drug is able to reduce the salt content in urine in healthy people by 1/3, at the same time, increasing its content in the stool. In pharmacology, there is already a drug that works in a similar way - Orlistat, which prevents the absorption of fat in the intestines, which prevents the appearance of extra pounds. However, orlistat has several side effects: urinary incontinence and diarrhea.

As noted during Trepanor's trials, the drug caused frequent and irregular bowel contractions, but the stools of all volunteers participating in the trials remained within normal limits. In this regard, the scientists decided to test the drug on volunteers, suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and frequent constipation. Since trepanor does not enter the circulatory system, scientists have suggested that there should be no serious adverse reactions from the use of the drug.

Recently, experts are concerned about the amount of salt consumed, which leads to increased blood pressure. However, people can not completely abandon the salt, as it is contained in almost all animal products (meat, fish), also bakery products and many finished products, in addition, the salt regulates the water-electrolyte balance in the body and promotes the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Several years ago, experts have already called on humanity to reduce salt intake, because excessive consumption of it can provoke stomach cancer. In addition to limiting salt in the diet, scientists called for a change in labeling on products to make information about products more understandable.

The use of salt in large quantities threatens hypertension, heart problems, stroke. Now the specialists have enlarged the list with oncological diseases. Scientists recommend that you limit yourself to one teaspoon of salt a day, and give preference to fruits and vegetables with your diet.

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