
The use of salt in childhood leads to severe diseases in the future

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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30 March 2014, 09:00

Scientists from Britain studied the composition of products that are included in the daily children's diet and concluded that modern children, starting with a one-year-old age, consume too much salt.

In bread and other cereal products, which children eat daily, there is an increased amount of salt, which, in the opinion of specialists, threatens serious health problems in the future. Their research specialists published in one of the scientific journals.

As you know, salt raises blood pressure, and young children are no exception, so parents need to control its content in the children's diet.

In their research project, experts analyzed the urine of more than three hundred children, whose parents carefully recorded their diet, what amount was eaten, how much food remained. As a result, scientists managed to find out that children 5-6 years old ate about 4 g of salt daily, 8-9 years - about 5 g of salt, 13-17 years - almost 8 g of salt. At the same time, scientists determined that boys ate about a gram more salt than girls, and at the age of 13-17 years by 2.5 grams. From dairy products, children received 11% of salt, of meat products - 19%, of cereals - 36%. It is quite difficult for parents to protect children from eating foods with a high salt content. This can be done only if you prepare food yourself, using natural and fresh products. Particular danger poses semi-finished products, pizza, various sauces and ketchups, sausages, crackers and nuts. Therefore, before using any products, it is recommended to check the amount of salt on the package.

British experts recommend that adults consume no more than 6 grams of salt daily, and the United States Heart Association limits daily intake of salt to adults and children 3.7 grams (slightly less than a teaspoonful). According to some statistics, children from one year to 18 years (almost 93% of children) consume an increased amount of salt. At this stage, specialists intend to develop a program to reduce salt in the daily diet of children. Now there is a similar program for adults, and this has reduced the consumption of salt for six years by 15%. However, scientists intend to continue fighting against high salt content in foods, especially bread.

Excessive salt intake increases the risk of increased blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, even in one-year-old children. Also in some studies, scientists have found that excessive salt intake increases the risk of death. In addition, it was previously proven that the high salt content in the diet has a negative effect on immunity, or rather on immune T cells, which the body produces to fight viruses and infections.

Also, a large consumption of salt is associated with the development of diseases such as multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases (asthma, eczema, alopecia).

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