Depression and heart disease are interrelated
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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In the largest Swedish medical university, scientists found that heart disease affects the psychological state of patients, their conclusions on this issue they shared at the EuroHeartCare Congress.
Studies conducted by scientists show that patients with heart and vascular disease often develop depressive disorders that lead to exhaustion of the body. Specialists note that cores are harder to cope with stressful situations, however, in most cases, doctors do not prescribe antidepressants to such patients. It is known that the risk factors for developing a heart attack are stress and depression, in the last study of the Swedish group, the relationship between heart disease and the development of depression was confirmed.
Also, researchers found that the cores of doctors rarely prescribe medications for depression, which, of course, caused surprise. As explained by one of the authors of the project, perhaps the reason may be the reluctance of doctors to delve into the essence of the disease, to search for the main causes of pathology and to select individual treatment in each case. This approach leads to the fact that patients do not go to the additional counseling of a psychologist, but receive various heart medications, as a result of which depressive disorders become severe, harder to treat, and can lead to death.
Studies have shown that in almost half of cases of depressive disorders, which are difficult to treat by conventional methods, hidden somatic pathologies arise, most of which are affected by psychological factors. Treatment of such violations takes quite a long time, often years. In addition, patients with heart diseases themselves do not want to seek help and undergo treatment.
According to one of the authors of the scientific work of Barbro Kelster, almost every person today faces stress daily and is forced to cope with various manifestations of it, as the modern rhythm of life does not allow a person to fully relax and switch.
Depression is becoming an increasingly common disease, which affects millions of people to varying degrees (according to some reports, about 20% of the population in developed countries suffers from various depressive disorders).
Depression is considered quite a serious disease, which leads to a decrease in working capacity, severe mental suffering (not only the patient, but also in his loved ones), in severe cases there is a craving for suicide. That is why the doctors of all countries are concerned about the situation, and scientists offer different ways to combat this disease. For example, American experts suggested a fairly simple, but, in their opinion, an effective way to combat depression - live communication.
As shown by studies in which 11,000 people took part, those who communicate primarily with the help of social networks or telephone are more prone to depressive disorders. Volunteers who communicated with their loved ones and friends "live" the risk of developing depression, bad mood, depression decreased by 11.5%.