
Flu and cold - Top 100

With general malaise and fever, we, first of all, go to the kitchen and ... Brew tea for colds - that is, from acute respiratory disease (ARD), which cause over 200 known viruses and which we habitually call a cold.
The systematic use of tea with ginger for colds, especially during the cold season and seasonal epidemics of ARI, ARVI and influenza, many times reduces the likelihood of serious illness. And this is not an allegation, but a fact acknowledged by doctors.
To cure a cold in one day, it is best to hold it at home and not go anywhere. But this day we should use the maximum benefit for our health and dedicate it to the fight against a beginning cold, as well as ARI and ARVI.
"The child has caught a cold!" - a phrase that frightens many parents. But do not panic. It's worth keeping yourself in hand and calm down, because the cold is not terrible, as it seems, at first glance. With her to cope quickly and easily, without even resorting to chemotherapy drugs.
Anecdote about alcohol with cold: "And how do you protect your husband from harmful microbes? Try the vodka! 50 grams before eating protect it from all known microbes. And 100 grams - from all unknowns. "
Even the slightest draft can cause colds. Not scary, curable, but unpleasant. If you have any symptoms, do not "rush headlong" to run to the pharmacy for pills or medicine. You can do with home ingredients. The main thing is to know the recipes for colds.
Doctors do not tire of repeating that antibiotics for influenza - a disease that has a viral pathogenesis - do not apply. So the question is - what antibiotics should I take with the flu? - wrong and can be set only on condition that the master of it is still unknown the difference between bacteria and viruses.
A long-lasting cough can be a sign of serious illness, so it cannot be ignored. What to do when you cough? Figure out the cause and fight it.
Alternative remedies for the common cold in pregnancy are mostly juice and herbal medicinal herbs, used as drops for instillation or solutions for washing the nose.
Often expectant mothers are worried about the question: "How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy?". It is well known that many medications are contraindicated for women "in position". But to let the situation to itself is also dangerous, because the labored breathing of a pregnant woman due to a common cold can provoke oxygen starvation of the fetus.


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