
Newborns - Top 100

Approximately 10% of newborns need, to varying degrees, resuscitation during childbirth. The reasons for this are numerous, but most of them include asphyxia or respiratory depression. The frequency increases significantly when the birth weight is less than 1500 g.
Almost all newborns - about 90% to some extent suffer from intestinal colic. The reason for their occurrence is of a physiological nature and is explained by the period of adaptation of the digestive tract of the child to new conditions for him.
Around of what can and can not be done to a nursing mother, there are many prejudices. Some women follow only the advice of grandmothers, despite the obvious absurdity of some of them.
Before weaning the child at hand, we need to ask ourselves the question: in what cases does the baby ask for his hands? Because not in all cases the child must be weaned from the hands, sometimes the mother's or father's hands are real salvation for the baby. For example, when a child is sick.
How to wean a child from night feeding? This is an important question, which sooner or later, almost all mothers ask themselves. Most children sleep well at night about 8-9 months after their birth. At this time, the baby at night can safely withstand a break of about 7-8 hours. He used to wake up to eat.
As well as the main thing - how to feed a child with lactose intolerance? Children with lactose intolerance are not able to digest this substance, the sugar contained in cow's milk.
Very often, young parents tend to teach their baby to crawl, but do not know how to do it. Crawling in the life of the child plays a very important role. So, how do you teach a child to crawl?
How to anesthetize the process of teething in the child should know every parent. Fighting this state is not so difficult.
When is it necessary to treat thrush in newborns? If there is a redness on the mucous membrane of the baby's mouth, small white rashes resembling cottage cheese pellets, and milk-colored spots on the tongue.


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