
Facts about pregnancy - Top 100

To be happy, a woman should like herself. Therefore, a constant struggle with excess kilograms or with their shortage is being conducted with varying success constantly.
Pregnancy is a natural and expected process in the female body. However, not all women are happy to become pregnant at the first attempt at conception: many, in order to become a mother, one has to wait months and even years.
When the human body is maximally relaxed and in absolute rest, its temperature regime is maintained solely by the energy released by the continuously functioning system of internal organs.
Almost every woman knows about the existence of basal temperature. However, not everyone understands what exactly is talking about, and for what reasons the basal temperature during pregnancy is so variable. Let's try to explain in detail and answer the main questions that are related to this concept.
At first glance, this seems like a futile exercise - measuring basal temperature, but in fact this figure allows you to plan your life.
The absence of menstruation in time for some women causes joy, in others the fright. In today's world, it is easy to determine whether a pregnancy has come, special tests are sold in pharmacies.
By measuring the basal body temperature, women determine the period of ovulation of their cycle - the time of the most likely fertilization. What is the basal temperature with a delay in menstruation and why?
The first late pregnancy is considered a serious problem, as the chances of having a baby decrease with age. Although the childbearing function of each woman has some individual characteristics.
Mothers of many children emphasize that the movement of the fetus during pregnancy is different every time. There is not a single pregnancy that would be similar to the previous one.
If you follow the graph of basal temperature during the first phase of the female cycle when planning pregnancy, you can see how it gradually decreases during the first week


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