
Facts about pregnancy - Top 100

Progesterone in pregnancy is produced by the body in fairly large quantities, geometrically progressing during all months of bearing the baby, and dropping sharply only in the last week before giving birth.
The increase in the uterus in the early stages is already observed from the fifth to the sixth week of pregnancy in the anteroposterior direction, and then in the transverse direction. At the same time there is a change in the shape of the uterus from pear-shaped to spherical. 
At the 5th week of pregnancy, you may notice some discomfort caused by physiological changes in the body associated with bearing a child. Many women talk about swelling of the breasts, fatigue and frequent urination.
How does hormonal reorganization affect nails during pregnancy, and why can their condition worsen?
Most doctors consider the first day of the last menstrual period to be the beginning of pregnancy. This period is called "menstrual age" ...
Pregnancy makes great demands on the body of a woman. To ensure the vital activity, growth and development of the fetus, significant changes occur in the mother's body, which affect virtually all body systems.
If you are interested in pregnancy, you need to make sure that the delay in menstruation is exactly what you were expecting.
If parents care about the future of their son or daughter, they, in the first place, should take care of themselves, as they lay the basic foundation, which in the future will become the basis for the normal development of the baby.
The management of pregnancy is primarily aimed at controlling the development of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother.
The registration with a gynecologist in the first weeks of pregnancy is usually carried out 2-4 weeks after the first delay in menstruation and the fact of pregnancy (a positive pregnancy test or hCG analysis).


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