
Pets - Top 100

They can cause clogging of the intestines, which can seriously damage your cat's health.
Last year in the United States there were more than 100 000 cases of animal poisoning. Many of them were caused by substances (which most likely are in your home) that may seem absolutely harmless to you.
Mandatory vaccinations are vaccinations that must be made to every cat at a certain time in her life. Optional vaccinations are ...
The dog will not be able to discuss the troubles with you at work, but when it snuggles comfortably on your lap, it seems that the pet is understanding your mood and without further ado. The intelligence of dogs is equal to the level of a two-year-old child. To this conclusion came the leading expert in the field of dog psychology from Columbia University, Professor Stanley Koren.

How to determine the disease in time? What modern methods help to cope more quickly with pathology?

Epilepsy in dogs is the result of a neurological impairment of brain functions - an electrical failure occurs in the bioelectric system of the body, resulting in reduced electrical stability and an attack that can occur both in the form of small seizures and in the form of powerful convulsive convulsions.
Coronavirus infection in dogs is a contagious intestinal infection that usually causes mild disease ...
This disease affects middle-aged dogs of both sexes. It is characterized by an acute inflammatory reaction ...
The causes of allergy in animals, as well as the etiology of allergies in humans, still do not have a common scientifically proven base.
Everyone knows the need for regular preventive examination at the dentist and this is an indisputable fact. However, not every owner of furry pets will come up with the idea to bring his pet to the dentist.


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