
Types and symptoms of burns

Chemical, thermal, sunburn foot skin: degree, first aid, how to treat

Burn is an open skin lesion caused by external factors. Burns can occur on any part of the skin, including the leg.

Burning of the penis

If the severity of the burn is assessed by the area of the affected skin, the burn of the penis should be attributed to minor burn injuries, since together with the perineum occupies only 1% of the body surface.

Burn with hot wax after depilation, hair removal

Less often the burn becomes the result of inaccurate treatment of wax suppositories - for example, when visiting a church or on a New Year's holiday.

Burn tongue mucous: thermal, boiling water, hot, chemical, alcohol

This is a very common injury, which, however, most people try to treat at home without seeking medical help

Burn of the vaginal mucosa: chemical, radial

How often, due to negligence or due to lack of competence in a particular matter, good motives are treated with additional problems. It is especially unpleasant if it concerns our health, which we shook ourselves

Burning from pepper plaster: what to do?

Pepper plaster is a known and affordable means for reducing pain in radiculitis, neuralgia, arthrosis, myositis, sciatica and other painful sensations.

Cigarette burn

According to doctors, despite the minimal skin lesion area, burns from cigarettes can not be ignored: such a burn can be deep enough, resulting in the formation of scars.

Burn after peeling

Peeling is a procedure that helps exfoliate dead skin cells, thereby improving its condition and rejuvenating. For its implementation, weak acid solutions are used (usually glycolic or trichloroacetic).

Skin and mucous skin burns from manganese

Manganese is often used as a convenient and simple disinfectant. The solution of this powder has excellent antiseptic and deodorizing properties, which allows it to be used to treat certain skin or internal diseases and injuries.

The nettle burn of a child and an adult: benefit or harm

When staying in nature, the risk of getting a burn from plants that cause skin irritation is quite high. One of these plants is nettle.


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