
Diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Hepatosplenomegaly: what is it, how to treat it?

The simultaneous pathological increase in the size of visceral organs such as the liver (in Latin - hepar) and the spleen (in Greek - splen) is defined in medicine as hepatosplenomegaly.

Empyema of the gallbladder

A condition in which a large amount of purulent discharge accumulates in the gallbladder without the possibility of their release is called empyema of the gallbladder.

Toxic hepatitis of the liver: acute, chronic, drug, alcoholic

Under toxic hepatitis should be understood pathological process in the liver, which occurs as a result of the fact that the body penetrates toxic substances. 

Polyps in the gallbladder: is it dangerous, how to treat without surgery by alternative means

Most often, these formations have a globular configuration, and are a benign growth of the mucous tissues of the organ.

Bile stasis

Among gastrointestinal pathologies, gastroenterologists distinguish bile stagnation, which is a syndrome that indicates a malfunction in the hepatobiliary system: bile, gallbladder (bile depot where it becomes more concentrated) or biliary transport network (intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts).

Abscess of liver

This development of the inflammatory process in the liver tissues to the state of their necrosis and the formation of a cavity with purulent contents.

Symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver: from the initial to the last stage

Cirrhosis of the liver is more common in men. Symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver differ in the variety of manifestations.  


Steatogepatitis is a transitional phase of the disease from steatosis to cirrhosis. This pathology affects the cells of the hepatic tissue, expressing an inflammatory process that develops on the basis of fatty dystrophy.

Cholesterol of the gallbladder

Cholesterol gallbladder - a violation of the gallbladder, associated with a bad metabolism of fats.

Inflammation of the gallbladder in a child

Inflection of the gallbladder in a child is a deformation of the organ and a decrease in its working capacity. The gallbladder is divided into three parts (bottom, neck, body) and located in the lower part of the liver.


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