
Diseases of the lungs, bronchi and pleura (pulmonology)

Types of pleuropneumonia

Pneumonia is divided according to the degree of lung damage. If the inflammatory process covers only the lobes, without spreading to the vessels and alveoli, then they talk about pleuropneumonia, or croupous pneumonia - an infectious disease that can be triggered by viruses, microbes or fungi.

Treatment of pleuropneumonia

The treatment protocol for croupous inflammation involves the simultaneous use of two antibiotics: one intravenously, the other intramuscularly. Usually therapy is carried out with the drugs described below.

Lung hematocele

With traumatic damage to lung tissue with preserved integrity of the visceral pleura, lung hematocele may occur. This pathology is accompanied by chest pain, difficulty breathing, and sometimes hemoptysis.


Diseases of the pleural cavity are a frequent complication that develops after various bronchopulmonary pathologies. One of these complications can be fibrothorax - we are talking about an obliterating fibrous process in the pleural cavity.

Pleuropneumonia Symptoms

Most often, acute pleuropneumonia develops, and almost from the very beginning of such inflammation or after two or three days, the first signs of the spread of a bacterial infection from the lobe of the lung to the pleura begin to appear

Causes and pathogenesis of pleuropneumonia

Lobar bacterial pneumonia, or focal non-segmental pneumonia, or acute lobar inflammation of the lung lobes affecting part of its serous membrane (pleura) can be diagnosed as pleuropneumonia, although this definition is absent in the respiratory system class ICD-10.

Spikes in the left and right lung: pleural, fibrous

A serious complication after respiratory diseases is a spike in the lungs. Consider the pathogenesis and the causes of their appearance, the main symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention.

Syndrome of compaction of lung tissue

A common objective sign of the developing decrease in airiness corresponding to the tightening of the pulmonary tissue is the asymmetry of the chest, revealed during examination and palpation.

Pleural Syndrome

The accumulation in the pleural cavity of the fluid (hydrothorax), which can be exudate, transudate, pus (piothorax, empyema of the pleura), blood (hemothorax) or mixed


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