
List Symptoms – P

When the pupil disorders are detected in the form of changes in the width, shape of the pupils, their response to light and convergence with accommodation, combined with the loss of deep reflexes from the extremities (at least Achilles reflexes), there is usually a suspicion of neurosyphilis. However, there are at least four other pathological conditions that should be borne in mind in the presence of this clinical picture.
Ptosis is manifested by the pathological lowering of the upper eyelid, which limits the opening of the eye. If the ptosis develops gradually, some patients are not even able to tell if they have had the eyelid (eyelid) omission since the birth or it has arisen at some particular age.
Psychogenic dysphagia is a syndrome of impaired swallowing within the framework of psychogenic disorders of the tone and motility of the esophagus. The clinical picture is characterized by a sensation of a coma in the throat or behind the breastbone, as a result of which food gets stuck during the meal and hardly passes or does not pass at all. In addition to difficulty swallowing, usually there are heartburn, pain in the sternum and various vegetative disorders
Unlike fainting, hemorrhagic stroke or epilepsy, in which consciousness is disturbed suddenly, a slowly progressive impairment of consciousness down to a deep coma is characteristic of such diseases as exogenous and endogenous intoxication, intracranial volumetric processes, inflammatory lesions of the nervous system, and less often other causes.
Most women notice that their mental state or physical health depends on the menstrual cycle, worsening before the onset of menstruation. Symptoms can be very severe in one month and very minor in another, which is probably due to external causes.
Polyuria - diuresis more than 3 l / day; it should be distinguished from increased urination, which is the need to urinate many times during the day or night, but in normal or less than normal volumes. Each of the symptoms may include nocturia.
The pathological inclination of the trunk forward (camptocormia in the broad sense) can be permanent, periodic, paroxysmal, rhythmic ("bows"). It can cause pain, postural instability, cause or aggravate dysbasia, lead to falls.
Palpitation is a patient's perception of the work of his heart. Patients describe it as fluttering, popping up or beating. For such cases, sinus rhythm with normal heart rate is usually uncharacteristic.

Permanent and often increasing paleness of the skin occurs when the hemoglobin content in the blood decreases (anemia), for example, in acute blood loss or various blood diseases.

Dysceia is a difficult stool. In case of dyspepsia, patients are unable to defecate, despite the presence of stool and the need for defecation.
There is a saying, "My tongue is my enemy!" I want to rephrase it and say "My language is my friend!", Since it is really able to signal us about hidden problems in the health of our body with pain in the language.
Pain in the stomach in children - signs of the most common diseases among newborns, children of middle and senior school age. And although these pains may differ in nature from mild to extremely painful, the vast majority of them quickly pass. And is not a symptom of something more sinister than gases or indigestion.
Pain in the lower leg is a rather complex problem for a person, because they can be a symptom of a disease such as thrombosis, life-threatening. And thrombosis is not the only disease that is signaled by pains in the lower leg. It happens that such pain sensations in the shin are associated with diseases that are still in the initial stage of development - then they can be quickly cured.
The pain in the intestine is manifested by a specific sensation of discomfort, distress and pain in the abdomen. These pains are usually associated with functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of injuries or diseases. There are important facts about this pain that everyone should know.
Pain in the abdomen of a child is a cardinal symptom of many sorrows and digestive organs. In young children, the equivalent of pain is anxiety, screaming, rejection of the mother's breast. In children of preschool and primary school age, pain can be manifested by a feeling of rapid saturation and overfilling of the stomach.
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