
List Symptoms – F

If the number of emptying of the bladder during the day exceeds the average physiological norm and there is no pain, urologists state a form of dysuria, such as frequent urination without pain.
Frequent urination at night without increasing the volume of urine is called nocturia, if at night liquids are released more than by day - nocturia. Two-thirds of all day trips to the toilet should be at day time.
The sensation of a foreign body in the eye is familiar to almost everyone. A sharp gust of wind and all eyes are covered with sand.
The head is steadily turned or tilted to one side or the other. The presented list of diseases is not complete. Here, violations of the head pose are not analyzed in patients in a coma or a serious condition due to extensive damage to the cerebral hemispheres and (or) the brain stem.
"Flies" before the eyes. This is the appearance of small black dots in the field of view, especially noticeable on a dark background. These points move with the shift of the eyeball, but with a certain slowdown.
Rumination is, as a rule, involuntary regurgitation of small amounts of food from the stomach (usually 15-30 minutes after eating), which the patient re-chews and in most cases swallows again.
Pain in the first trimester in pregnant women can appear due to a variety of reasons. Very often discomfort in the abdomen arises as a result of hormonal and physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman. But nevertheless painful sensations are always an occasion to listen and understand the reasons for taking appropriate measures if necessary.
First aid for suffocation depends on the cause. Choking is the result of bronchospasm or acute bronchial obstruction.
The sensation of a "coma in the throat" is a feeling of raspiraniya or compression in the pharynx. As a rule, discomfort is felt along the middle line above the thyroid cartilage. In 1/3 of the patients manifestations of this symptom are registered in other areas on the front surface of the neck. Dysphagia (violation of swallowing) or lonely phage (painful swallowing) is absent.
Most attacks of short-term loss of consciousness are associated with syncope (syncope) or, more rarely, epilepsy. When you leave this state, satisfactory or well-being returns quickly enough.
Facial paraspasm is a peculiar form of idiopathic (primary) dystonia, described in the literature under various names: Mesa paraspasm, Bruegel syndrome, blepharospasm syndrome - oromandibular dystonia, cranial dystonia. Women fall three times more often than men.
The facial expression depends not only on the patient's mental state, but also on the coloring of the skin, the type of eyes, nose, lips, teeth, cheeks, and rashes that are associated with various cytological processes. At a number of diseases the person acquires a characteristic kind.
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