
List Diagnostics – C

Screening cytological methods. Produced for the purpose of early detection of cancer of the uterus and cervix. The nature of the pathological process is recognized on the basis of the following features: the morphological features of the cells, the quantitative relationship of individual cell groups, the location of cellular elements in the preparation.
Cystometry is the basic method of urodynamic studies, during which both phases of the urination cycle are studied - filling (accumulation) and emptying, studying the dependence of intravesical pressure on the degree of filling of the bladder.
CT-myelosysternoraphy is a method that combines the possibilities of CT and myelography. Refers to invasive methods of imaging, because it requires the introduction of a sub-abdominal space contrast medium.
Computed tomography is a special type of X-ray examination, which is carried out by indirect measurement of attenuation or attenuation, X-rays from various positions, determined around the patient being examined.
CT angiographic images need to be analyzed in different MIP projections (maximum intensity projections), MPR (multiplanar reconstruction), or 3D VRT reconstruction (volumetric imaging method).
When performing spontaneous breathing with constantly positive pressure (CPAP), pressure fluctuations inevitably occur, but it always remains above atmospheric pressure.
The main task of any correction of ametropia ultimately amounts to creating conditions for focusing images of objects on the retina.
Coronary angiography continues to be the "gold standard" for diagnosing coronary artery stenoses, determining the effectiveness of drug therapy, PCI and CABG.
Contrast ventriculography (VG) is one of the important catheterization angiography techniques. Ventriculography is the contrast of the ventricle of the heart with the recording of an image on a film or other recording device (videotape, computer hard or CD-ROM).
Dacryocystography is also informative in the diagnosis of diverticulum, fistula and filling defects caused by stones or tumors.
Contact correction of vision has a long history. This question was also of interest to Leonardo da Vinci and René Descartes.
Registration of the level of the permanent potential of the brain is a special section of brain electrophysiology.
Conjunctiva is easily accessible for research and diagnosis of many of its diseases, does not require any special equipment.
Conicotomy (cryotyreotomy) consists in the opening of the peristonechitis membrane with the impossibility of intubation of the trachea or the presence of obstruction in the larynx. The main advantages of this method are the simplicity of technical performance and the speed of execution (in comparison with tracheostomy).
Confocal microscopy of the cornea is one of the modern methods of investigation; allows to conduct intravital monitoring of the cornea state with visualization of tissues at the cellular and microstructural level.
Quantitative (digital, computer, paperless) electroencephalography arose in connection with the rapid development of electronic computing as a further development of the EEG method.
If there are no contraindications, computed tomography of the neck is performed after intravenous administration of contrast medium. The use of contrast preparations allows to determine more reliably the presence of malignant neoplasm and inflammatory process. To adequately enhance the vessels of the neck, more contrast material is required than, for example, for computed tomography of the head.
Many CT studies of the brain are carried out without the introduction of a contrast agent. For example, in the differential diagnosis of intracranial hemorrhages and strokes in patients with acute neurological disorders, the introduction of contrast agents is not required.
One of the most important advantages of CT of the prostate is the relatively low operator-dependence of the method: the results of a survey performed according to a standard procedure can be reviewed and interpreted by different specialists without the need for a re-examination.
As a rule, the thoracic cavity is examined in the transverse direction (axial sections) with a cut thickness and a scanning step of 8-10 mm. For example, when making cuts with a thickness of 10 mm, with an overlap of 1 mm, table advance is carried out with a pitch of 8 mm.


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