
A new medicine helps the body recover after a course of chemotherapy

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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28 April 2014, 09:00

After the long development, the British specialists managed to create a drug that helps patients after chemotherapy. The drug was developed specifically to help the body to tolerate more difficult treatment, as well as to help restore impaired functions.

It is worth noting that the body as a result of long-term treatment with chemotherapy is depleted, immunity is inhibited, there is damage to the vessels that are located close to the nerve endings. In chemotherapy, this is the main problem.

The main effect of the new anesthetic drug proposed by British scientists is aimed at reducing pain, which often accompanies the course of chemotherapy. As expected, the effect of the drug showed a positive result after the tests. At present, the new drug has already passed the stage of laboratory tests on rodents and now the scientists have completed the final stage of drug testing. Scientists hope that this drug will soon be available for mass production.

The main side effect of chemotherapy was the suppression of the production of leukocytes (white blood cells, which help the body cope with viruses and infections). Also, after treatment with chemotherapy, the human body becomes virtually powerless before most of the infections that enter the body through the urinary system, the intestines, lungs and other mucous membranes. Helping to eliminate soreness, the new drug, according to experts, is able to make treatment more favorable for the body. If we compare the new drug with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, then the lower number of adverse reactions comes to the fore. Currently used drugs often cause strokes or heart attacks, so doctors, if possible, try not to use them to treat patients. The new British remedy is more perfect, therefore the probability of development of adverse reactions of an organism at it or him is less.

In addition, the experts developed an improved technique for the treatment of cancer tumors. The treatment is based on the ability of cancer cells to form metastases. Specialists were able to direct cancer cells in such a way that the process of treatment began.

Recently, scientists from Australia reported that tobacco, known for its carcinogenic properties, is able to help in the treatment of cancer. A detailed study of this plant allowed scientists to identify the molecular substance contained in it, which is detrimental to cancer cells. Studies have shown that tobacco, in addition to the negative effect on the body, has a positive effect - it destroys the structure of the cancer cell from the inside. Also, in the process of deeper research, experts found that the molecular substance that they discovered could affect selectively pathological cells, which can not be said of a number of drugs used in the treatment of cancer today.

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