
10 most healthful drinks for colds

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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26 November 2012, 14:00

Winter cold is already on the threshold, because the risk of overcooling and catching cold is great. In order not to get sick on the eve of the New Year holidays, remember these ten healing drinks that will help kill the ailment in the bud without using potions and tablets.

Tea with honey and lemon

Tea with honey and lemon

If you are shivering to the bones, then quickly brew a weak green or black with the addition of honey and lemon. Just do not put honey and lemon in boiling water - it kills all their useful properties.

Tea with raspberries and lime

Dry inflorescences of linden and dry raspberries with leaves are a wonderful drink that has anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic properties. Moreover, this tea smells very aromatic. You can also use raspberry jam.

Broth from the dog rose

Berries of wild rose are very rich in vitamin C, have choleretic and diaphoretic effects. Dry fruits should be crushed and poured with boiling water, then let it brew and leave overnight in a thermos. Some add a cup of decoction of honey or Cahors. Take such a healing drink you need half an hour before meals three four times a day.

Cranberry or cowberry mors

Cranberry or cowberry mors

Cranberries and cranberries are valuable helpers in the fight against colds, they have bactericidal properties. Berries need to be ground with sugar and poured with warm water.


Milk with mineral water

Hot milk with the addition of mineral water is an excellent remedy for coughing, which helps to sputum.

Milk with garlic

Milk with garlic

Maybe it's not the most pleasant drink, but very useful. It is better to drink it at night. Garlic has a bactericidal effect. In warm milk, 10 drops of garlic juice are added and the drink is ready.

Decoction of dried fruits

Decoction of dried fruits

Now compotes from dried fruits have given way to all kinds of drinks that you do not need to cook, or you can just buy them. And very much in vain, because the decoction of dried fruits can alleviate the symptoms of cold and in general it has fortifying properties. First you need to boil pears and apples for half an hour, then add the prunes, and before the end of cooking (for five minutes) throw in the compote dried apricots and raisins.

trusted-source[2], [3]

Tea with ginger and lemon

Tea with ginger and lemon

Such tea will perfectly warm and relax. To make it, you need to mix honey, lemon juice and a bit of ground ginger root, at the end add a pinch of cinnamon.

Mulled wine

Mulled wine - very useful, tasty and perfectly warming drink. To make it, you need 0.5 liters of red dry wine, a pinch of nutmeg, a half-spoonful of cinnamon, one teaspoon of ginger and about three tablespoons of sugar. In 100 ml of water, mix the spices, bring this mixture to a boil and let it brew for 10 minutes. Then strain and add to the wine, not forgetting about the orange slice. All this bring to a boil (but do not boil) and add honey to taste. Drink hot, preferably in a warm bed.

Tea with Echinacea

An excellent remedy for cold is tea with echinacea. It has immunomodulatory properties and raises vitality. It is prepared very simply: boiled water is poured one tablespoon inflorescences of echinacea, it is insisted for 20 minutes and it is drunk three times a day before a meal.

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