
Women are ruled by male sperm

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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14 September 2012, 10:36

Women who do not use contraceptives become pregnant more easily. In the formation of the process of ovulation in women, male sperm does not take the last place. This is due to a special protein that is part of the seminal fluid. English scientists have found that the more often a woman has an intimate affinity, the more her fertility increases.

Even a single sperm molecule can not only increase the ability of a woman to bear children, but also affects her taste preferences and behavior.

Specialists from the University of East Anglia conducted an experiment on insects and observed how the drosophila fly responds to sexual intercourse.

According to the researchers, the results of the experiment are applicable to many animals, including humans, who release spermatozoa into the body of the female for the fertilization process.

Such a diverse and large-scale reaction of genes can be caused only by one protein contained in the sperm. That is why, in addition to positive sensations from the mating process itself, the reaction to protein is capable of causing in the female body such a storm, which is reflected in its immunity, fertility, taste preferences and even sleep.

"We knew that proteins contained in seminal fluid are capable of producing such an effect on a woman's body. They are responsible for activating the processes of feeding, egg production, affecting sleep, immune processes, water balance and intimate relationships, "says Tracy Chapman, professor and co-author of the study. - These studies were aimed at studying the effect of the so-called "peptide" - a seed protein that is still not understood by science. As it turned out, it has a direct effect on many genes located in different parts of the woman's body. "

Experts have observed changes in genes associated with egg development, immunity, early embryonic development, behavior, susceptibility to various substances and even vision. It turned out that the main regulator here is this protein.

According to experts, intimate affinity directly affect the reproductive system of women and their behavior.

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