
Nurse has over a hundred orgasms a day

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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29 August 2012, 10:10

How would most people react if they were asked to experience 100 orgasms a day? For sure, many would answer in the affirmative, without even thinking.

Nature has given people the ability to experience sweet sensations at the moment of the culmination of sexual intercourse and it is quite natural to assume that orgasm is nothing but pleasure.

"Why not? - you will say. "Is it not good to have fun, and even 100 times a day?".

44-year-old Englishwoman Kim Ramsay is ready to argue with this statement.

Kim Ramsey 100 orgasms

Kim is a nurse in a New Jersey hospital. A woman suffers from a rare disease - a disorder of genital arousal. If some women stimulate orgasm, then Kim should make a simple move, whether it's just squatting or driving a car, and it will cover a whole chain of orgasms.

After a thorough medical investigation, the doctors were able to find out the cause of such a rare disease. In 2001, a woman's misfortune happened - she fell down the stairs. Physicians believe that after the fall, Kim formed a perineural cyst of the spinal cord.

Waves of orgasm roll on it every fifteen minutes and instead of pleasure they bring only problems.

Everything, whatever Miss Ramsey does, gives her pleasure, however, as the woman herself claims, it became a real curse.

Not only that you have to hide your rare illness from people and try to limit yourself in unnecessary gestures. The saddest thing is that Kim's personal life does not add up.

"Women envy me, and while they are discussing how to experience orgasm, I'm looking for a way to stop it. With the approach of sexual relaxation, they usually shout "Yes! Yes! ", And from my chest only moans" Oh, no! "

According to the woman, in 2008 she met a handsome man, but sex with him became a real nightmare. The woman's orgasm did not stop for 36 hours. Kim tried to get rid of the pleasure she had become, as she could: she crouched, tried to regain her breath and even sat on frozen peas, but all attempts to cool down the hormones that were played out were in vain. The man witnessed 200 pathological orgasms of a woman and, not recovering from the impression, disappeared from the life of Kim.

Since then, the woman has abandoned any attempts to establish a sex life.

The only hope of the 44-year-old nurse is that only the right methods of treatment remain, because until now no one specialist in sexual disorders has been able to help her.

trusted-source[1], [2]

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