
Scientists are concerned about the new H3N8 influenza virus

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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01 August 2012, 15:00

American scientists, as in other things, and scientists around the world are seriously concerned about the new influenza virus, codenamed H3N8. While this virus kills fur seals, but according to scientists, soon it can go to people.

In the United States, a real panic reigns: the new H3N8 influenza virus takes the lives of fur seals. But everything would not be as scary and sad as the risk that this virus could soon become dangerous to people.

Scientists are concerned about the new H3N8 influenza virus

A new study conducted by American scientists showed that the H3N8 flu or as it is also called "dog flu" causes serious and almost incurable pneumonia. At the moment, hundreds of fur seals on the north-eastern coast of the United States die from it. There is practically no escape from this flu, and the fact that mammals suffer from it causes panic among scientists. They are seriously cautious about the fact that people can soon become infected with this flu. And given how quickly it spreads by airborne droplets and how easily it can travel from continent to continent "thanks" to tourism, scientists have something to fear. Yes, in principle, we are with you too.

One hope is that Americans will have time to develop a special vaccine against this flu and will be able to stop its large-scale distribution around the world.

The whole difficulty of creating an effective vaccine against different types of dangerous influenza is that this virus mutates very quickly and becomes more resistant to various antiviral drugs. In the case of such serious types of influenza, one can not hope for only a strong immune system. In addition, taking into account our ecology, it will be very difficult to fight the new virus.

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