
Fat in dairy products is not associated with obesity

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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31 July 2012, 10:37

It is generally believed that saturated fat in foods provokes weight gain, increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease. Therefore, recently many began to switch to low-fat dairy products or products with a low fat content. But experts, meanwhile, say that such products are not very useful.

A recent study by the Fred Hutchinson Research Cancer Center indicates that fat in dairy products is not associated with obesity and other problems. 11 out of 16 international studies confirmed: a high percentage of fat, on the contrary, was associated with a low concentration of body fat and a smaller weight gain.

However, while experts are in no hurry to rewrite official directives. It is remarkable: last year Ekaterina Maslova from the Harvard School of Public Health found that pregnant women who prefer yogurt with a low percentage of fat can harm the child. According to her, such a diet increases the likelihood of developing asthma and allergic rhinitis.

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