
New Treatment for Parkinson's Disease

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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09 June 2012, 11:29

Austrian scientists started testing the new miracle vaccine. Parkinsonism is considered the most common disease in the world among the elderly, it affects them equally, men and women. Although the first bells can appear in 40 years and even earlier, as, for example, the boxer Mohammed Ali. The main manifestation is the trembling and involuntary movements of the hands and feet, which are caused by the death of brain neurons in certain zones.

The causes of this disease to the end are not known - this is atherosclerosis of the brain vessels, and trauma. The main version is special genetic defects that make themselves felt under certain circumstances. Until recently, this disease was treated mainly symptomatically - neurological drugs, and means for improving cerebral circulation. But just a few days ago, Austrian scientists embarked on clinical trials in humans of the world's first vaccine against Parkinsonism. This is the final stage of research, which means that the tests on animals have already been successful.

The experimental preparation PD01A was developed by the Austrian biotechnology company AFFiRiS, according to Medical News Today. The target of the vaccination is the alpha-sinuclein protein, which is associated with mutations of certain genes involved in the development of Parkinson's disease. The introduction of the vaccine is designed to stimulate the production of antibodies to this protein.

To participate in the first phase of clinical trials, 32 patients with Parkinson's disease were selected. During the first stage of the research, specialists will check the safety of the vaccination for the human body and its tolerability. If everything goes well, then within the next five years can give a "green light" to the batch production and use of the vaccine.

The main symptoms of Parkinson's disease:

1. Stiffness and slowness of movements, as a rule, begin in the right half of the trunk, and then, after a while, gradually grab the other side.

2. Stress of all muscles - increased tone. It is involuntary and eventually the patient's arms and legs gradually bend, the back hunches. Neurologists call this position "the pose of the petitioner."

3. The gait becomes shuffling and shining. The person shifts the center of gravity, he loses his balance and even falls.

4. When the patient does not move, his hands and chin are trembling distinctly, but during movement the tremor is not observed.

5. The patient "frozen" face, he rarely flashes.

6. Despite the fact that the intellect is preserved, thinking and attention are slowed down.

7. How concomitant disorders occur: decreased sense of smell, constipation, impaired urination.

trusted-source[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]

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