
Fear of aging is a common phobia of the present time

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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04 June 2012, 13:18

One of the phobias of this time was the fear of aging. Physicians even called it a special term - geraskofobiya, that is, the fear of aging. As psychologists say, to cope with fear, you need to get to know him better. Therefore, before engaging in a merciless battle with old age, let's first understand - and what are we actually afraid of with geraskofobii?

Fear of aging is a common phobia of the present time

Impotence. One of the worst nightmares of any man. Impotence frightens men even more than death or cancer. For members of the stronger sex, the idea that once they can not do what used to be easy is unbearable.

Weakness. Another fear of the stronger sex is the physical weakening of the body. It is the physical strength in our view that makes a man a man. However, whatever physical power a man possesses, he is still unable to struggle with nature and with the processes of aging.

Violation of thinking and memory. With the processes of aging, often associated with dementia, or memory impairment, as well as Alzheimer's, which most often causes this deterioration. The most terrible thing here is that the probability of such violations is higher for men than for women.

Unattractiveness. Women are conceived by nature as being beautiful, this is a fact. Otherwise, men would lose interest in them. Sadly, a rare woman becomes more attractive as old age approaches. Losing beauty, women lose the very meaning of being.

Loneliness. Unlike most men, women like to be in society. They are more comfortable when there is someone to talk to, to do something together or to go somewhere. When children leave for "independent swimming", as well as with the death of a spouse, a woman often falls into depression.

Oncology. Aging, women are more susceptible to certain types of cancer: ovaries, cervix, breast and duodenum. For this reason, doctors advise to do more mammograms, smears from the cervical mucosa and colonoscopy. The need to go to the hospital more often only increases the woman's fear that her body slowly deteriorates.

When a person understands his fear and his reasons better, coping with this fear is much easier. Analyze what is frightening you in aging, and begin, finally, to do something to delay this process! Thus, you will give yourself more than a dozen years of full-fledged life having coped with Geraskofobiey.

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