
Dietitians from the United States found out what foods are good for breakfast

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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07 April 2012, 00:03

Scientists from the United States found out what foods are good for breakfast, and published their observations in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism.

A group of nutritionists led by Professor Kantha Shelke and Richard Mattes tested how breakfast affects the sense of satiety throughout the day and the level of glucose in the blood. According to the results of the work, it turned out that about 30% of Americans generally skip breakfast one to three times a week. If people manage to eat in the morning, they often prefer flakes or eggs.

Meanwhile, the authors of the study focused on the use of breakfast products with a low glycemic index. Glycemic index characterizes how strongly this product raises blood sugar levels after eating. This indicator is applicable only to carbohydrates. Food with a high glycemic index is quickly digested and increases the concentration of glucose in the blood. These are sweets, juices, sweet soda, white bread. And carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, on the contrary, split more slowly, which leads to a more smooth increase in sugar in the blood and a moderate release of insulin. This is very important for patients with diabetes mellitus. And for healthy people it is considered more useful food.

The authors found that people who ate breakfast for almonds, having a low glycemic index, felt longer fed. In addition, they have a lower glucose level, not only after breakfast, but after lunch. Thus, breakfast with a low glycemic index helps to avoid a strong increase in blood glucose and after the next meal. After such a breakfast, people longer feel full, which helps to avoid overeating throughout the day. And this is very important, because a huge number of people today has a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. According to forecasts of scientists, by 2030 such will be 16% of the world population.

To protect themselves from the global epidemic of obesity, physicians are advised to choose the perfect breakfast. And he, in addition to a low glycemic index, should be appetizing, pleasant in appearance and taste, not fried. Also, not a very large portion for breakfast should quickly and permanently give a sense of satiety. And, finally, these products should be liked by the whole family.

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