
Popular diets and medications are not conducive to weight loss

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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11 April 2012, 20:17

Contrary to popular belief, most of the obese can lose weight and successfully does it, say scientists from the deaconess Beth Israel (USA). The most effective ways to get rid of excess weight are old, proven methods - reducing fat intake and exercise. According to the authors of the work, this is very encouraging news, since even a 5 percent weight reduction can have a beneficial effect on health.

For your information: more than a third of Americans today are obese, and 50-70% of them are trying to lose weight.

Experts analyzed data on four-odd thousand obese citizens of the United States, collected in 2001-2006 during the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. All respondents were more than 20 years old, 12 months before the first survey, the body mass index for each of them was 30 or more. 2 523 subjects reported trying to lose excess weight. 40% of them said that they already lost 5% or more, and another 20% of participants managed to lose 10% or more.

The most successful with overweight were those who devoted more time to physical training and did not rely on fat. In addition, a correlation was found between the participation of subjects in weight loss programs and the greater number of kilograms lost, which may indicate the importance of the structure of the excess weight regimen. And although those who took prescribed medicines for weight loss, also successfully parted with excess kilograms, the proportion of respondents who chose this way of returning to harmony, was very small.

Scientists also note that the loss of excess weight is not conducive to popular diets, liquid nutrition, the use of drugs for weight loss, sold without a prescription, and the consumption of diet food.

trusted-source[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]

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