To prevent a stroke tea will help
Last reviewed: 23.11.2021
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Scientists continue to study the properties of various drinks that people are accustomed to consuming daily, in particular tea and coffee. In the course of various studies, both the benefits and the harm of these drinks were revealed.
Recent work by American specialists has shown that tea lovers have a reduced risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.
According to scientists, just one cup of tea a day will reduce the level of calcium in the coronary arteries and reduce the chance of developing various cardiovascular diseases, including stroke and heart attack, by 35% .
To such conclusions, scientists came after a long study, which lasted for 15 years with the participation of 6,000 volunteers.
As a result of observations and study of the health of participants in the experiment, scientists found that in a group where it was necessary to drink one cup of tea a day 35%, the risk of heart and vascular disease decreased, and in a group whose participants drank at least 3 cups of tea every day, scientists have shown a decrease in the level of calcium in the coronary arteries. It is worth recalling that the accumulation of calcium increases the risk of developing a heart attack. This pathology is the main cause of disability and mortality among the population.
Despite the fact that modern medical achievements have a significant arsenal of drugs that help prevent heart and vascular diseases, scientists warn that many patients simply do not suspect about the benefits of tea for their heart and neglect this wonderful drink.
In tea contains a lot of substances - amino acids, proteins, alkoldoids, minerals and tannins - which have beneficial effects on various organs and systems of the human body. The amount of nutrients in this drink depends not only on the type of tea, but also on the correctness of the brewing - the taste and benefit of the drink is largely influenced by dishes, water quality and other minor things at first glance, such as temperature, amount of brewing, brewing time and so on. Also, tea can not be reheated or boiled, to drink more than half an hour ago, otherwise tea from a healthy drink turns into a real poison.
The interest of scientists is not only tea, but coffee. It is difficult to say which of these drinks is more popular, but doctors recommend that some people refrain from drinking coffee, and also abuse this fragrant drink, as it is possible to develop diabetes or other serious diseases.
But coffee has also beneficial properties for the human body, for example, in a recent study it was found that a few cups of coffee a day reduces inflammation and prevents cancer. But hypertensive patients and patients with heart disease can not drink coffee, even one cup a day can badly affect the health status.
Also, it is not recommended to drink coffee to people suffering from obesity, because in this case the likelihood of developing diabetes increases.
In general, tea and coffee can both positively and negatively impact the body, but scientists once again warn that in everything you should know the extent and give preference to quality products.