
WHO has developed new recommendations for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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14 September 2016, 09:00

WHO has developed new recommendations for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, this measure is caused by the growing threat of antibacterial resistance. Most often sexually transmitted chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, all these diseases are caused by bacteria and antibacterial therapy usually helps to completely get rid of the disease. But some antibiotics are rapidly losing their effectiveness, which is associated with frequent and, often, improper use of drugs.

According to preliminary estimates, more than 130 million people are infected each year with chlamydia, about 80 million gonorrhea, and slightly more than 5 million syphilis.

Recently, physicians have noted that the resistance of bacteria that cause infectious diseases has increased and fewer antibiotics are actually coping with their task. According to experts, especially the resistance developed in gonococci, which practically do not respond to antibacterial treatment, in chlamydia and syphilis the situation is not much, but easier - the bacteria that cause these diseases still react to some types of existing antibiotics, but in any case the prevention of infectious diseases and rapid treatment was at risk.

If sexually transmitted diseases are left without treatment, then it can provoke serious health consequences - inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs, ectopic pregnancy, infertility (in women and men), in addition, infectious diseases sexually transmitted by several times increase the risk of contracting HIV.

The current situation made WHO reconsider existing methods for the therapy of sexually transmitted diseases and to identify in each country which antibacterial drugs developed resistance in germs that cause venereal diseases. The new recommendations are based on data on the most effective antibacterial drugs that are prescribed for diseases.

Gonorrhea causes damage to the mucous membranes (genitals, mouth, rectum). Gonococcus bacteria in a relatively short time developed resistance to antibacterial agents, and obsolete classes of antibiotics are absolutely ineffective.

Now WHO recommends that all countries review the treatment of gonorrhea, doctors need to prescribe only effective drugs. In each country, the resistance of gonococci that rotate among the population to antimicrobial is different, therefore, health care professionals should monitor the levels of antibiotic resistance and determine the most effective antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of gonococci. Today, WHO does not recommend the use of quinolones, since among gonococci it is this class of antibiotics that are least susceptible.

Infection with syphilis occurs when contacting the wound on the genitals, anus, rectum, oral mucosa, lips, also the infected woman can infect the child during pregnancy, which often causes the death of the fetus.

According to new recommendations, for the treatment of syphilis it is necessary to use the injectable antibiotic benzathine-penicillin, which is much more effective than oral medications.

Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection. After infection, there is a burning sensation when urinating, but most often, a person does not experience any characteristic symptoms. The latent course of the disease often leads to problems with human reproductive health.

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