
"Thinking" bandages will themselves control the healing process of the wound

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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25 April 2017, 09:00

A new kind of dressing material will soon appear in the clinics of the UK, which will be endowed with a unique ability to monitor how the wound surface heals.

Scientists representing the Welsh University of Swansea have set themselves the task of developing a "thinking" dressing that will perform not only a fixative and antiseptic function, but also take on some of the physician's functions. This is reported by the well-known news agency BBC.

"Thinking" bandage will periodically evaluate the dynamics of healing of damaged tissues, and inform the doctor about it, sending him a kind of "report".

The source reports that the first experiments using such unique materials will be conducted already this year. The use of high technology will allow the bandages to be provided with microscopic sensor inserts, which will monitor the healing process. The sensors will record the quality of the patient's blood coagulation, possible infection, and assess the overall condition of the patient. The information from the sensor sensors will be transmitted to the treating physician via the 5G network (the last generation of the wireless mobile communication system). It is assumed that the materials will initially be printed using a 3D printer.

The commissioning of such a dressing will clearly help health care workers to more closely observe the processes of tissue regeneration, especially in cases with complex hard-healing wounds and slow processes-for example, diabetes mellitus or extensive burns. Thanks to such bandages, the doctor will be able to respond promptly and adequately to any pathological changes in the wound, as well as to better prescribe the treatment. It's not a secret that the restoration of body tissues in different patients can proceed in different ways, therefore, treatment can also fundamentally differ. A "thinker" bandage will provide the opportunity to do dressings only when it is really necessary, with minimal participation in the process of the attending physician.

Many scientists consider this innovation to be excessively ambitious, since the development and implementation of a new technological method may take at least several years - but not twelve months, stated by the developers. Thoroughly to think over and implement such a plan is quite difficult. First, in Wales, you need to complete the work on testing the coverage of 5G. Secondly, experts working in the field of nanotechnology should carry out the development and testing of sensor inserts that will be mounted in the dressing. According to some scientists, it would be much easier to develop a material with a color reaction to wound processes, or bandages based on special polymers that remove excess moisture from the wound.

Nevertheless, for the implementation of the project, the UK authorities have already allocated more than a billion pounds sterling.

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