
Science and Technology

Scientists have found a way to change the blood type

In one of the scientific publications appeared an article in which a group of scientists described the method of obtaining a new enzyme that can change the blood group.
03 June 2015, 09:00

Organic implant will help relieve severe pain

In Linköping University, located in Sweden, a team of specialists created a small device that effectively relieves pain.
01 June 2015, 09:00

Mosquitoes prefer to eat blood with certain genes

It has long been noticed that some people bite mosquitoes more often and experts are interested in this feature.
28 May 2015, 09:00

Scientists have developed a new method for early diagnosis of ovarian cancer

A group of doctors after a long experiment stated that ovarian cancer can be detected even before the first symptoms appear.
26 May 2015, 09:00

Vodka can become a means of conveying messages

Canadian experts made an unusual discovery, as it turned out, vodka can serve as a transmitter of information at a distance.
22 May 2015, 09:00

Scientists have created an artificial memory

In Melbourne, a group of scientists from the Institute of Technology made a real breakthrough in medicine, creating electronics that can imitate the work of the brain
21 May 2015, 19:00

hepatitis B will be treated with cancer medicine

Scientists of one of the oldest research centers in Australia (the Walter Institute and Elisa Hall in Melbourne) have revealed a new property in the anti-cancer drug.
19 May 2015, 09:00

The work of immunity depends on a previously unknown protein

In their recent studies, specialists from the College of London found that the main role in the development of immunity is played by protein
15 May 2015, 09:00

The cause of cancer pain is hidden in the genes

In severe forms of cancer, a person experiences severe pain, which even strong painkillers can not cope with.
14 May 2015, 09:00

The spine of some people is not adapted to the upright

Canadian scientists concluded that the pains are due to the similarity of the anatomical structure of the vertebrae of a person and a monkey (an ancient human ancestor, according to Darwin's theory).
13 May 2015, 09:00


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