
The obvious benefits of meditation

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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24 April 2023, 18:00

It is well known that regular meditation practices have a relaxing and calming effect, and generally improve health and energy. Recently, an interesting study was conducted in which scientists examined the gut microbiome of monks in Tibet, comparing it to that of ordinary people living in the same region and eating in much the same way. The only difference was that the monks meditated regularly and for long periods of time.

About fifty people were involved in the study: such a small number of subjects is a consequence of the small population of the Tibetan Plateau.

All participants underwent blood and fecal tests. Beforehand, they were prohibited from taking antibiotics, probiotics and other drugs that could affect the quality of intestinal flora in any way.

After conducting tests, it was found that people who practiced meditation for at least two hours daily for three decades had richer microflora, including bacteria that prevent the development of mental disorders, inflammatory processes and metabolic disorders. In addition, the monks had significantly reduced cholesterol and other factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular pathologies.

Previously, scientists have already encountered facts confirming the significant impact of intestinal microflora on human health. In particular, bacterial flora strongly affects mental abilities - it is noted that people who are often exposed to antibiotic therapy usually complain of slowed down thinking processes. There is also an impact on behavioral characteristics of people, including physical abilities and motor activity.

At the end of the study, experts made an important conclusion about the benefits of meditation. At least, regular practice contributes to the support of the nervous system, protects against the development of disorders of the heart and blood vessels. Scientists note that meditation first of all favorably affects the intestinal microflora, which further positively affects the condition of other organs and systems.

In their next projects, the researchers plan to find out how breathing concentration and mindfulness work associated with spiritual practices affects people's health. New scientific experiments will be initiated soon.

Experts note that it is important to take a competent approach to such practices. It is very desirable that the first steps in this direction are carefully controlled by an experienced specialist. With the correct performance of meditation techniques can not only improve mood and adjust the work of nervous processes, but also get rid of pain, both mental and physical. At the same time, the wrong approach to meditation, illiterate techniques can aggravate anxiety and even give rise to the development of depression.

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