
Named the most famous mutants

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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22 October 2012, 11:07

We are used to having five fingers, two legs, two arms, one head, in general, a standard set, so to speak. But some people are born not quite ordinary, but with additional parts of the body. And such cases occur more often than we think. Many historical figures and celebrities, it turns out, are also among such unusual people.

Ann Bolein

The second wife of Henry VIII had eleven fingers and three breasts. Well, about the chest, perhaps, tried to evil tongues, because at that time it was considered a sign of possession of dark magic, but the presence of additional fingers historians confirm.

Antonio Alfonseca

The most famous mutants are Antonio Alfonseca

The player of the national American baseball team Antonio Alfonsoque has twelve fingers - six on each hand, but does not suffer from this, they do not interfere with him in the game, because they do not touch the ball at all.

Mark Wahlberg

The most famous mutants are Mark Wahlberg

The famous actor has a third nipple on his left breast. At first he was shy of him and thought of getting rid of him, but then he resigned himself and got used to it. Mark is not alone in his unusualness - in the world about 2% of men and women with such a mutation. This feature is often mistaken for moles, but this is erroneous.

Indian man

The most famous mutants - Indian man

In 2006, a 24-year-old man turned to doctors with an unusual request, to remove his second member. The doctors operated on the man, but his personality remained unknown. This disease is called dysfunction - duplication of the penis. It is very rare, and about 100 cases have been recorded.

Rebecca Martinez

The most famous mutants are Rebecca Martinez

This girl was born in December 2003 in the Dominican Republic with a diagnosis of parasitic craniopagus - the child is born with a parasitic head, in which the brain is absent, and this distinguishes this anomaly from the state of Siamese twins. Rebecca became the first child who was made a priest to remove the second head. Unfortunately, on February 7, 2004, during a complex eleven-hour operation, the girl died.


The most famous mutants - Hermaphroditism

That is, the presence of both female and male sexual organs. In total, there are 1% of people with similar anomalies in the world. In 1843 Levi Sadam, a 23-year-old boy living in the city of Salisbury, Connecticut, came to the polls to vote. However well-wishers reported that Sadeem is not really a man, therefore he has no right to vote. After the medical examination, he was still admitted to the vote - the doctor found the male genitalia in Levi.

A boy with three hands

A boy with three hands

GG is a boy from China who was born with three handles that worked equally well and looked absolutely normal. However, when the boy was two months old, the doctors removed one of the pens, the operation was successful.

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Francesco Lentini

The most famous mutants are Francesco Lentini

In 1889, when medical possibilities were very modest, a boy named Francesco Lentini was born. His parents immediately refused him, and the aunt took up her education. And all because the baby was born with three legs and a double set of genitals, in addition, from the knee of his third leg grew one more leg - the remains of Siamese twins, who died in the womb of the mother. Despite this set of mutations, the boy achieved considerable success in circus art and became the "Great Lentini".

Girl with four legs

The most famous mutants - Girl with four legs

In 1868 Josephine Myrt Corbin appeared on the light. She was a very weak girl, and even with an anomaly - two pelvis and four legs. Two undeveloped legs, as in the case of Lentini - the residual parts of Siamese twins. Yet the girl got married and gave birth to five healthy children. According to legend, three children "came out" from one pelvis, and two others - from another.

Betty Lou Williams

The most famous mutants are Betty Lou Williams

Betty was born in a poor peasant family in 1932. She was the 12th child in the family and was very much like her older brothers and sisters, but there was one significant difference. The girl had an extra pair of arms and legs, grown on her side. It was this unusuality that fed Betty and her family well. With her help, brothers and sisters learned in colleges, and parents finally bought a big farm. But at age 23 she was struck by an asthma attack that struck the head of her twin.

Hannah Kersey

The most famous mutants are Hannah Kersey

One in a thousand women has two uterus. Despite the fact that this is not very rare, in the case of Hannah Kersey, it's still a rarity. To begin with, Hannah, her mother and sister have two uterus. But the most unusual happened in 2006, when Hannah gave birth to the triplets. It turned out that she carried two girls in one uterus, and the third one in another. The doctors say that this is the only case in history.

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