
The intelligence of the child is directly dependent on the diet

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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17 August 2012, 08:07

According to some scientists, the human intellect is 70% pawned before birth. However, 30% are still available for development, and parents have the opportunity to significantly improve the intellectual abilities of their child. A special role in this is food. It is on how much the baby will receive vitamins and minerals, his intellect will depend.

Thanks to a series of studies conducted by scientists, it was possible to find out that the basic intellectual abilities are formed in the first two years of life, moreover, they directly depend on the child's diet. The more children give products that promote the development of the brain and improve its work, the more intelligent it will grow afterwards. In particular, this fact was proved due to the results of the experiment, in which 7000 children participated.

The most useful product for the baby was breast milk. It contains many useful vitamins and minerals, which not only strengthen the immune system, but also improve the work of the brain. After studying the results of the experiment, scientists advised young mothers to breastfeed their babies to 1.5-2 years, so that the child grew more intelligent.

The development of intelligence is also promoted by the use of fruits, vegetables and fermented milk products. The intellect of children who were fed mostly healthy food, according to the results of testing was above average. That is why it is recommended to give the children fresh berries, vegetables and fruits, as well as products such as cheese and fish. Red fish contains iodine and zinc, and its use contributes to improving concentration, strengthening immunity and improving brain function. Of course, parents are recommended to develop an "intellectual diet", using the recommendations of a child's doctor.

Besides useful products there are also harmful ones. Scientists found that children who were fed up to 2 years old with chips, biscuits, sweets, chocolate and soda, were less attentive and intelligent than their peers by the age of eight. For this reason, doctors recommend completely eliminating products from the baby's diet that slow the development of the brain. This is especially true for chips and soda.

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